
fǎ rén qǐ yè
  • corporate enterprise;business corporation
  1. 目前,国内外许多学者对财务风险进行了大量的研究,但研究的视角大都集中于法人企业,而对分公司财务风险的研究则较为稀少。

    Many scholars at home and abroad have had a substantial research on financial risk . However , the existing study focuses on the Business Corporation , and the study on financial risk of Filiale is lacking .

  2. 指从事房屋、构筑物建造和设备安装活动的法人企业。

    Refers to corporate enterprise engaged in the construction of buildings and structures and in the installation of equipment .

  3. WTO要求我国内外资企业立法一体化,内资企业立法平等化,企业立法模式统一化、内容系统化。改造我国企业立法要确立非法人企业的民事主体资格;

    The process of the entry of WTO makes it necessary for our country to ensure an equal and integrated legislation of domestic and foreign enterprises , unified modes and systematic contents of legislation .

  4. 该公司是独立的法人企业。

    This company is independent legal person company .

  5. 以房地产作为出资与他人成立法人企业的;

    Taking real estates as capitals that to be contributed to establish enterprises legal persons ;

  6. 当选总统奥巴马将提高高收入者的税率,包括许多非法人企业的企业主。

    The president-elect will raise rates on high earners , including many owners of unincorporated businesses .

  7. 对无限连带责任制度的再思考:谈非法人企业破产制度的确立

    Thinking About The System Of Unlimited Joint And Several Liabilities : On The Establishment Of Bankruptcy System For Unincorporate Enterprises

  8. 特区内企业是指在特区内注册登记的法人企业和非法人企业。

    " Enterprise " in Special Zone refers to the enterprises as legal person and non-legal person registered in Special Zone .

  9. 北京时代创通科技有限公司是一家在IT行业有着丰富经验和雄厚实力的高科技独立法人企业。

    Beijing Creaton Technology Co. , Ltd. is an independent legal enterprise with ample experience and strong power in IT field .

  10. 现阶段,我国没有自然人破产制度,但是确立了法人企业破产制度。

    But now , our bankruptcy system do not apply to a natural person , we have established a corporate bankruptcy system .

  11. 非法人企业、组织的房地产抵押需提交其产权部门同意抵押的批准文件。

    The approval file that the estate guaranty of illegal person business , organization requires to refer branch of its property right to agree with guaranty .

  12. 公司简介:公司中文介绍:大连洋铭船务有限公司是在大连市工商局注册的独立法人企业。

    Presentation by english : The ocean track shipping limited company of Dalian is an independent corporative business enterprise registered in the industry and business bureau of Dalian City .

  13. 中小企业一般是指规模较小的或处于创业阶段或成长阶段的企业,包括规模在规定标准以下的法人企业或自然人企业。

    Small and medium-sized enterprises refer to those of small size and those in pioneering or rising state , including businesses of legal person or natural person under given criteria .

  14. 由于其直接参与法人企业的利润分配,影响国民经济与社会的稳定发展,因此,法人税收法律制度的重要性历来为各界公认。

    It is attached much importance by public because of its direct participation in the distribution of enterprise 's profits and influence on the stable development of national economy and society .

  15. 下列行为视同房地产转让:(1)以房地产作为出资与他人成立法人企业的;

    Following behavior inspects real estate of of the same branch of a family to make over : ( 1 ) serves as with estate contributive establish legal person company with other ;

  16. 以第一次全国经济普查公布的数据为依据,对洛阳市工业法人企业经营状况进行了因子分析:目前效益较好的资源开采产业,必须未雨绸缪,增加科技投入,增强可持续发展能力;

    Based on the first national economy general survey data of Luoyang city and the method of factor analysis , the management conditions of industrial juridical person enterprises of Luoyang city were analyzed .

  17. 明确涉外非法人企业可直接向国土资源部申请探矿权和地质勘查单位资格。

    It is specified that unincorporated foreign-related corporations will be able to apply directly to the Ministry of Land and Resources for the rights of exploration and the qualifications of a geological survey unit .

  18. 在多法人企业经济联合体中,资金集中管理能发挥财务资源的聚合优势,强化企业集团内部管理,提高财务监控力度,控制财务风险。

    In this economic union , capital centralized management can take advantage of aggregation of financial resources , strengthen the internal management of the enterprise group , improve financial control level and control the financial risks .

  19. 企业集团是在现代企业充分发展的基础上,以核心企业为主体通过产权关系等联结纽带,将众多法人企业组建成一个经济联合体。

    Enterprise group , based on high development of modern enterprise , takes core enterprise as main body through relations of property right and other coupling tie and set up economic coalition with many corporate enterprises .

  20. 工业统计调查单位分为两类:独立核算法人企业和工业活动单位。人口激增,工商业蓬勃发展,这些人类活动正是污染的根源。

    They are classified into two categories : corporate industrial enterprises with independent accounting system and industrial establishments . The rapid growth of its population , industry and commerce remain at the root of pollution by human activities .

  21. 本文研究产权明晰问题,提出了产权明晰的三个层次,即国家与公民和法人企业、投资者之间及其与企业、企业与员工三个层次的产权明晰问题;

    Proposed in this paper are the three levels of property rights distinction , namely that between the government and its citizens , that between the government and incorporated enterprises , and that between an enterprise and its employees .

  22. 中国各区域对外开放的时间不同、优惠政策不同、经济发展水平不同,各种区位因素的变迁造成了日资法人企业在华投资区位的差异。

    The changes of all kinds of location factors in different parts of China , such as the time to be open , the preferential policies , the economic developing standards , have made the Japanese investors invest in different areas .

  23. 企业形态经历了家庭-行政性公司-古典企业-现代企业的演变历程,形成以公司等法人企业为主导,辅之以独资企业、合伙企业、行政性的国有企业等多元化的生产经营体系。

    Enterprise goes through an evolutionary transition from household workshop , administrative company , classical venture to its modern version , thus bringing forth a multiple system of production and management dominated by corporations and supplemented by single undertaking , partnership , administrative state-owned enterprise .

  24. 呵护哈德莱堡名望的责任是每一个人的,而不是集体的。集体所有制企业法人以企业所有的财产承担民事责任

    " An enterprise under collective ownership , as legal person , shall Bear civil liability with the property it owns . "

  25. 针对严重违反法律的企业法人,企业登记机关往往以吊销企业法人营业执照的方式来实施处罚,以求达到市场主体的规范化和市场秩序的有序化的目的。

    The office usually revokes the business license of those enterprises that violate the law to standardize and legalize the market order .

  26. 每个境内项目管理人和境外项目管理人均为由组成公司组建的非法人合资企业。

    Each of Onshore Project Manager and Offshore Project Manager is constituted in the form of unincorporated joint ventures by the constituent companies .

  27. 把治理和管理体制结合在一起对集团公司进行研究,并且从对单一法人制企业的研究拓展到对多法人的集团公司的研究。

    Combine with governance and managing system to study Conglomerate . Expand from one artificial person to many artificial persons in Conglomerate . 2 .

  28. 科技项目管理人员技能因子的实证研究&以信息技术类项目为例每个境内项目管理人和境外项目管理人均为由组成公司组建的非法人合资企业。

    A study on science & technology PM craftsmanship factors ; Each of Onshore Project Manager and Offshore Project Manager is constituted in the form of unincorporated joint ventures by the constituent companies .

  29. 具体说来,综合性商业保险公司与商业性农业保险公司属法人型企业,以股份有限公司为其组织形式,他们在设立条件、程序上有诸多相似之处。

    Generally speaking , comprehensive commercial insurance and commercial agricultural insurance companies are legal person . The form of organizations is company limited by shares , and they have many similarities on the conditions of establishment of corporations , procedures of establishment of corporations .

  30. 合伙企业是一个由两个或更多的合伙人共同拥有的、无法人资格的企业。

    A partnership is an unincorporated business owned by two or more partners .