
  • 网络Unlisted Company;private company
  1. 这家公司昨日出人意料地宣布,将把明基名下的品牌业务独立出来,成立一家拥有约35亿元新台币(合1.05亿美元)实收资本的非上市公司。

    In a surprise move , the company yesterday said it would spin off brand operations under the BenQ name into an unlisted company that would have paid-in capital of about T $ 3.5bn ( $ 105m ) .

  2. 本文根据对不同融资环境下的高科技上市公司与非上市公司的财务比率进行比较,分析其融资结构差异以及差异存在的原因,探讨高科技企业融资难的具体成因并提出改进的建议。

    In this issue , through comparing finance rate , author analyzes financing structure of high technical listed company and high technical unlisted company in different financing environment to find causation of difference , studying concrete contributory cause of difficulty in financing and make some ameliorative suggestions .

  3. 与一家非上市公司合作开发该项目的上市公司雅居乐地产控股有限公司(AgilePropertyHoldingsLtd.,3383.HK,简称:雅居乐地产)未就此发表评论。

    Agile Property Holdings Ltd. , a public company that is developing the project with a privately owned partner , declined to comment .

  4. 创业投资(venturecapital),亦称为私人股权(资本)投资(privateequity),指以取得资本收益为目的、对非上市公司运用资本和增值服务实施的长期股权投资。

    Venture Capital , also nominated as Private Equity , refers to a long-term investment in the purpose of obtaining capital gains , in the form of capital investment with the value-added services from venture capitalists .

  5. 考虑IPO的非上市公司还应该知道,和公开发行股票相联系的其他需要披露的资料。

    A private company considering an IPO should also be aware of other disclosure which it will be required to make in connection with a public stock offering .

  6. 广义的私募股权投资包括了风险投资(venturecapital)、成长型投资以及并购基金等多种形式,运用新型金融工具开展对非上市公司股权的投资活动。

    It has developed since late 1970s . In broad sense , Private Equity ( PE ) includes venture capital , growth capital and M & A fund as three main categories of investment . Private Equity invests in non-public companies through various financial instruments .

  7. 那些非上市公司的董事拥有专门知识、时间和动机去充分了解公司的问题,鲍勃波曾是MFS投资管理公司的负责人。

    The directors on those boards have the expertise , the time and the incentive to fully understand the company 's issues , he says .

  8. 在非上市公司中,盈余管理公司比例则只有5.49%,它们提高ROA数据0.0009。上市公司盈余管理频率大约为非上市公司的3倍,平均盈余管理幅度大约为非上市公司的13倍;

    The average magnitude of earnings management of listed firms is 0.0122 which is about 13 times of that of non-listed companies ( 0.0009 ) .

  9. 纳斯达克OMX集团(NASDAQOMXGroup)周三早间宣布,该公司已与非上市公司股权交易市场SharesPost共同成立了一家合资企业,旨在“为尚未上市的成长型公司提供一个杰出的股票交易市场。”

    The NASDAQ OMX group this morning announced that it has formed a joint venture with sharespost , in order to " establish the preeminent marketplace for private growth companies . "

  10. 事实上,Facebook完全可以在上报财务数据的同时继续在非上市公司二级市场进行股票交易,按自己的方式高高兴兴地过日子,全然不必理会它显然瞧不上的新股东们。

    In fact , Facebook merely could have filed its financials , continued to allow its shares to trade on secondary markets for private companies , and gone on its merry way without having to answer to the new owners it so clearly disdains .

  11. 作为一家非上市公司,NG公司相对于上市公司的股权激励模式完全不同,要能够顺利实施,对股权激励的相关的要素还要进行有针对性的设计。

    As a private company , NG of listed companies relative to the stock ownership incentive mode totally different , to be able to smooth implementation of the stock ownership incentive , the related elements which will be targeted design .

  12. 在ESO的模式选择中,上市公司可选择标准的ESO模式,而非上市公司则可选择虚拟股票期权模式。

    There are two modes of ESO to select , the normative ESO mode and the phantom ESO mode . The listed companies can select the former , and the other companies can select the latter .

  13. 咨询公司BDA的数据显示,规模较小的CDMA网络占移动市场8%的份额,其所有者是联通的母公司,而非上市公司。该公司将闭门进行此笔交易。

    The smaller CDMA network , accounting for 8 per cent of the mobile market , according to consultancy BDA , is owned by Unicom 's parent rather than the listed company , which will keep the deal behind closed doors .

  14. 运用AHP方法筛选出目标企业,结合私募股权投资基金的特点,并根据目标企业(上市公司)模拟出一个非上市公司,运用目标企业财务报告的数据,构建出一套完整的价值定价模型。

    The target company is screened by the AHP , combined with the characteristics of private equity fund . While we can use the target companies ( listed companies ) to simulate a non-listed company by the data of financial reporting , building a complete set of pricing model .

  15. 此外,VOC有一项关键优势:它投资于那些希望在不久的将来在美国纳斯达克(Nasdaq)或美交所(Amex)进行首次公开发行(IPO)的非上市公司。

    And VOC has one crucial advantage : it buys into unlisted companies that want to position themselves for an initial public offering ( IPO ) in the US ( on Nasdaq or Amex ) in the not too distant future .

  16. 建立我国非上市公司激励机制的构想

    Thoughts about Establishing the Non-listed Company Encouraging Mechanism in our Country

  17. 执行机制的作用对象包括上市公司和非上市公司。

    Its enforcement mechanisms include listed companies and non-target listed companies .

  18. 私募股权投资基金是指从事私人股权(非上市公司股权)投资的基金。

    Private equity funds do its invest mainly on Private Equity Firm .

  19. 非上市公司少数股权的评估

    The Valuation on Minor Shares of Non - Listed Companies

  20. 该公司有意收购非上市公司的战略股权。

    The company was looking to buy strategic stakes in unlisted companies .

  21. 许多上市公司和非上市公司需要出售手中资产,以满足借贷契约的要求。

    Many listed and unlisted companies need to sell to address covenants .

  22. 贴现现金流模型在我国非上市公司股权价值评估中的应用

    DCF Models for Valuation of Non-listed Firms in China

  23. 本文确定的研究对象是非上市公司并购上市公司的壳资源利用行为。

    So the listed company possesses some resource with profitability and rarity-shell resource .

  24. 对非上市公司经理人员激励和约束机制的探讨

    Probing into the Encouraging and Binding Mechanism to Managers in Company not Manketed

  25. 分析研究方法可供国内的上市公司和非上市公司进行财务危机预警分析的参考。

    This study and analysis may serve as reference for domestic industries and enterprises .

  26. 作为一家非上市公司,华为无须发布业绩。

    As a privately held company , Huawei does not have to report earnings .

  27. 避免亏损的盈余管理程度:上市公司与非上市公司的比较

    The Extent of Earnings Management to Avoid Loss : Comparisons between Listed and Non-Listed Firms

  28. 随着市场经济的发展,非上市公司的股权变动及变动所涉及的评估项目也日趋增多。

    Together with the increase of transactions between non-listed companies'shares-holders , related valuation tasks accelerate .

  29. 非上市公司的管理者通常只需要对几个股东负责。

    Management of a private company usually has to answer only to a few shareholders .

  30. 上市公司以净壳出让的方式,使得非上市公司取得对上市公司的控制权,间接实现上市目的的情况。

    Non-listed companies gain control of listed companies through net shell companies achieving market situation indirectly .