
  • 网络noncustomer;Disqualified Prospect
  1. 试图用语言而非顾客的证明材料来克服拒绝。

    Trying to overcome objections with your words rather than customer testimonials .

  2. 用户可能会开始认为,自己是一项“产品”,而非顾客。

    Users might start to think they are the product not the customer .

  3. 假如阁下是本网页的访客,而非顾客,则阁下毋须提供任何个人资料以浏览或使用本网页;

    If you are a visitor to this website , other than a Customer , you need not supply any personal data to access this website .

  4. 通过平衡记分卡和比例标度法的集成,确定基于非顾客视角的顾客需求优先度;

    Secondly , based on the integration of balanced scorecard and analytical hierarchy process , the priority ratings of customer requirements from the angles of no-customer views were determined .

  5. YU提到了一个错误感知,就是当地店主不喜欢非亚洲顾客。

    Yu added that there was a misperception that local merchants don 't want non-Asian customers .

  6. 据《信息快报》报道,广州市某酒楼贴出警告称,非酒店顾客跑去上厕所将被罚扫厕所一整天。

    A restaurant in Guangzhou Cityrecently posted a notice warning against non-customer use of its bathrooms , the Information Times reported .

  7. 有必要以顾客金字塔模型为指导,提出如何对顾客分类管理的措施,从而对核心顾客和非核心顾客分类进行管理。

    With regard to the customer pyramid model , this paper proposes how to conduct classified management for core customer and non - core customer .

  8. 通过顾客资产盈利能力评价可以帮助企业正确区分盈利性顾客和非盈利性顾客,把有限的营销资源配置在盈利性顾客身上,以提高企业的整体盈利水平。

    By the profitability evaluation based on customer equity , it can help the enterprises to distinguish the profit-making customers and non-profit customers correctly , and configure the limited marketing resources in the profit-making customers , to improve the overall profitability of the enterprise .

  9. 接着通过定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法,实证分析了影响乙类非处方药品顾客价值的影响因素。

    Then through the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis , with the method of combining empirical analysis , we analyzed the influence B-OTC drugs influence factors of customer value .