
  • 网络Gold Customers
  1. 而中产阶级正是商家刻意追求的黄金客户。

    Businessmen and the middle class are deliberately seeking gold customers .

  2. 中国金融业将面临着前所未有的激烈挑战,可以预言,未来商业银行的竞争是人才的竞争、优质黄金客户的竞争,因此,各商业银行开始采用西方的市场营销观念和策略。

    The Chinese financial market will be confronted with fierce competition . It can be predicted that the future competition will be the competition of the gold customers and talented men .

  3. 公司已连续三年被中国农行天津分行评为“黄金客户”。

    The company has continuously been awarded as " Gold customer " for three years by China Agricultural Bank .

  4. 对一个辛苦劳作的普通矿业公司来说,它会发现要与那些精明的和知识渊博的经销商讨价还价是很艰难的事,因为这些人都是毛坯钻石的黄金客户。

    A plodding general miner , it may find it hard to haggle with the canny and highly knowledgeable dealers who are the prime customers for rough diamonds .

  5. 近年来,公司先后被授予“质量保证产品信得过企业”、“黄金客户”、“光彩之星”等荣誉证书。

    During recent years , our company is awarded with the honors of " Quality Products "," Credible enterprise "," Golden Client " and " Glossy Star " .

  6. 同时,确实存在许多黄金客户群体,中小企业信贷市场值得开拓。

    At the same time , there are a lot of real golden customer groups and credit markets for small and medium enterprises that are indeed worthy of opening up .

  7. 本文以移动通信企业为研究对象,采用实证研究的方法构建基于客户终身价值的客户分类模型,将客户划分为白金客户、黄金客户、铁质客户和铅质客户。

    This paper puts forward a new approach to segment the customers based on their lifetime value into platinum customers , gold customers , iron customers and lead customers , and examines it in mobile communication enterprises .

  8. 例如,对“黄金”客户和“标准”客户分别提供不同的内容。

    For example , provide different content to a " gold " customer vs. " standard " customer .

  9. 也就是说,如果有一个用户是“黄金”客户,那么您可以让该客户的邮件大小配额大于“标准”用户的配额。

    That is , if a user is a " gold " customer , you could make that customer 's mail size quota larger than for " standard " users .

  10. 同时,随着人们生活日益富辩,黄金首饰;i的需求量也呈现出了增长趋势,尤其是印度,它是世界上最大的黄金饰品消费客户。

    And demand for gold jewellery goes up as people get richer , particularly in India , the world 's largest consumer of gold for adornment .