
  1. 电子盘建设对我国黄金期货市场发展的必要性

    After-hours Electronic Trading System is Needed for Chinese Gold Futures Market

  2. 上海黄金期货市场有效性的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysing on the Efficiency into Shanghai Gold Market of Futures

  3. 中美黄金期货市场价格关系实证研究

    Positive Research on the Relationship of Futures Price in Sino-American Gold Futures Market

  4. 黄金期货市场是一个复杂的系统,同时也是一个非线性系统。

    Gold futures market is not only an extremely complex system but also a nonlinear system .

  5. 东京和上海黄金期货市场的投资者也押注金价上涨。

    Investors in Tokyo and on the Shanghai gold futures market are also betting on higher prices .

  6. 人们迫切需要对中国黄金期货市场的特征和规律有深入的了解和认识。

    The characteristics and rules of Chinese gold futures market are necessary for the participants to recognize .

  7. 昨日,上海黄金期货市场在首日交易中强劲上扬,推动现货黄金价格创下历史新高,原因是投资者预计中国在黄金方面将出现投资热潮。

    The strong debut yesterday for the Shanghai gold futures market boosted the price of spot bullion to a fresh record high as investors anticipate a wave of Chinese investment in the precious metal .

  8. 四是,以往对中国黄金期货市场的研究中,都没有把市场作为可变状态研究,我们通过对比一般模型和多状态模型的拟合效果,后者更加准确。

    Four , the Chinese gold futures market study , do not take market as a state variable study , we compared model and multi state model fitting effect , the latter is more accurate .

  9. 结果表明,白银和黄金期货市场与股市的波动溢出效应较弱;而白银期货市场与黄金期货市场具有高传染性,波动溢出效应非常强。

    The results showed that the volatility spillover effects between the silver future market and stock market is weak , and the gold future is the same as silver future market , while the gold future market and the silver future market have strong volatility spillover effect .

  10. 外汇交易市场作为一个国际性的资本投机市场,其历史要比股票、黄金、期货市场短得多,但它却以惊人的速度迅速发展,并吸引了越来越多的投资者加入这一行列。

    As an international capital speculative market , the foreign exchange market which history is much shorter than stocks markets , gold markets and futures markets , developed rapidly at an amazing rate and has attracted a growing number of investors to join in .

  11. 我国黄金期货与现货市场的价格变动和价格发现机制

    The Oscillation of China 's Futures and Spot Gold Prices and The Price Determination Mechanism

  12. 外汇市场作为一个国际性的资本投机场所,其历史比股票、黄金、期货和利息市场短得多,然而,它的发展速度却非常惊人。

    As an international capital speculation places , the history of foreign exchange market is much shorter than stocks , gold , interests rate and futures market . However , it is rapidly growing at a surprising speed .

  13. 黄金现货价格单方向的影响黄金期货价格,期货市场的价格引导作用不明显,这说明中国的黄金期货市场还存在一定的问题致使中国的黄金期货市场的价格发现功能不能得以有效实现。

    Spot price of gold influence the futures prices in one direction , the leading role of futures market prices is not obvious .