
  • 网络Non-Tax Revenue;non-tax income
  1. 关于高校非税收入的界定和管理的思考

    Reflection on the Definition and Management of Non-tax Income in Colleges

  2. 完善政府非税收入管理体制的思考

    Improve the Management System of Government Non-tax Income

  3. 政府非税收入问题研究

    A Study of the Issue of Government 's Nontax Revenue Management

  4. 关于规范非税收入管理的思考

    On the ponder over standard managment of non - tax revenue

  5. 我国政府非税收入体系的基本特点分析

    An Analysis on the Basic Characteristics of Government Non-Tax Revenue System

  6. 对于行政性收费和非税收入的理论研究更是滞后。

    The administrative charges and non-income theoretical research is lagging behind .

  7. 政府非税收入是政府财政收入的重要组成部分。

    Governmental none-tax revenue is one important part of governmental incomes .

  8. 政府非税收入对经济增长影响的实证分析

    An Empirical Study of the Influence of Governmental Non-tax Revenue on Economic Growth

  9. 如何构建适应新形势的非税收入征管机制

    Constructing the Collection Mechanism of the Revenue Beyond Taxation at the New Age

  10. 再次,分析了政府非税收入法律规制的可行性。

    Again , analysis of government non-tax revenue into the feasibility of legal regulation .

  11. 三是提出了我国政府非税收入管理改革的思路。

    Thirdly , it prompts the reform way .

  12. 地方政府非税收入激增的动因与条件分析

    Analysis on the Reasons and Conditions of Non-tax Collection Increase Sharply of Local government

  13. 五是完善和创新政府非税收入分配管理体制;

    Fifthly , improve and innovate the distribution management system of government nontax revenue ;

  14. 公共财政框架下政府非税收入管理改革的思考

    Reforming of Non-Tax Income Management Under Public Finance

  15. 构建公共财政下的政府非税收入管理新体系

    Constructing the New Management System of Non-Tax Law Income in Scope of Public Finance

  16. 第2章介绍非税收入和非税收入管理的基本理论。

    The second chapter introduces the non tax revenue and non-tax income management basic theory .

  17. 第4章提出完善我国非税收入管理的对策建议。

    The fourth chapter proposed consummates our country non-tax income management basic thoughts and policy suggestions .

  18. 第四章对上一章设计的政府非税收入征管绩效评价体系进行了进一步的阐述和可行性的实证研究。

    Chapter four makes a futher elaboration of government non-taxable income evaluation system and feasible empirical study .

  19. 宏观非税收入负担分析

    Macroanalysis of untaxed Income Burden

  20. 预算外资金淡出与政府非税收入的规范管理

    Gradual Retreat of " Extra-budgetary Funds " and Standard Management of " the Government 's Non-tax Income "

  21. 六是健全财政监督职能,加强政府非税收入监管。

    Sixthly , perfect financial supervision functions , and strengthen the supervision of nontax revenue by the government .

  22. 我国政府一直在积极致力于非税收入管理的改革,并取得了一定的成效。

    The government has been trying to reform the regulations on non-tax revenue , and has engaged effectively .

  23. 第二章列举了国内政府非税收入征管绩效评价研究的现状及国外政府绩效评价制度对我国的启示。

    Chapter two lists enlightenments one gained from the national research status and foreign government performance evaluation system .

  24. 政府非税收入是财政收入的重要组成部分,在财政分配中不可或缺。

    The government non-tax income is an important part of fiscal revenue , which is indispensable in finance distribution .

  25. 第一节概要地对财政收入体系进行介绍,简单分析了非税收入的归宿情况和税收收入归宿的分析思路。

    The first sector sketches the system of fiscal revenue , by analyzing non-tax revenue and tax revenue incidence .

  26. 目前迫切需要进一步加强政府非税收入的规范化和法制化管理。

    There is an urgent need to further strengthen the standardized and legalized management for the government non-tax revenue .

  27. 政府非税收入是地方财政收入的重要组成部分,也是经济发展的重要来源。

    It is an important part of the local fiscal revenue , also a vital source of economic development .

  28. 世界一些主要市场经济国家的政府非税收入也包括收费项目,具体包括规费和使用费。

    The non-tax income of the main market economy countries in the world also includes all kinds of fee .

  29. 本文从公共财政理论入手对我国非税收入体系的基本特点进行了分析,并在这一分析的基础上对有关非税收入的不同认识进行了相应的讨论。

    In terms of public finance theory , this paper analyzes the basic characteristics of our government non-tax revenue system .

  30. 大部分中央部门及所有省本级推进了非税收入收缴制度改革。

    Reform of the system for collecting non-tax revenue was conducted in most central government departments and all provincial-level governments .