
fǎ rén shuì
  • corporation tax;tax on legal persons;corporation duty
  1. 尽管法国和德国提出要求,都柏林新的联盟政府依然坚持12.5%的法人税不会提高。

    The new coalition in Dublin has consistently said that its12.5 % corporation tax rate would not be raised , despite French and German demands to do so .

  2. 法人税是个复杂繁乱的职业道德问题。

    Corporate tax is an ethical morass .

  3. 在统一内外资企业所得税的基础上建立规范的法人所得税制度是我国企业所得税制改革的必然趋势。

    It is inevitable that we establish the norm corporate income tax system basing on unifying domestic and foreign enterprise income tax .