
  • 网络corporate shareholder;institutional shareholders
  1. 确保美国人每天都能在会话中发声--而不仅仅是法人股东。

    and making sure everyday Americans have a voice in the conversation - not just corporate shareholders .

  2. 而新闻集团的法人股东通常只关心管理方面的问题。

    Institutional shareholders of News Corp are those who often concern themselves with governance matters .

  3. 拨乱反正需要集中法人股东的集体力量,就像在一家企业中众多证券分析师所做的那样。

    To right the ship would require large institutional shareholders to organize much like securities analysts do within a single firm .

  4. 实际情况是,法人股东的力量一般较为分散,显得过于薄弱,导致他们最终无法有效工作。

    The fact is that , as a general matter , institutional shareholders are spread too thin – and fail to do their jobs effectively .

  5. 建立以机构投资者和企业法人股东为主导的股权结构模式和主债权人和银行积极监控的债权模式是我国企业融资结构的优化目标;

    Building corporate and institutional investor-lead mode of equity structure , primary creditor and bank positively supervising pattern of debt structure are the areas of improving financing structure .

  6. 通过建立博弈模型,分析存在大股东侵占的情况下,小股东、法人股东与债权人对大股东的监督博弈问题。

    Major shareholder control induces the abuse of ownership of large shareholder , which results in the entrenchment of minority shareholders and creditors and decreases the value of corporation .

  7. 机构投资股东在偏好股份的属性、追求收益的能动性和行使股权的方式等方面,与一般法人股东存在着根本性的区别。

    Institutional shareholders differ from the general corporation shareholders significantly in preferring stock attributes , the activity of pursuing revenue , the way to actualize equities , and so on .

  8. 本法所称一人有限责任公司,是指只有一个自然人股东或者一个法人股东的有限责任公司。

    The term " one-person limited liability company " as mentioned in this Law refers to a limited liability company with only one natural person shareholder or a juridical person shareholder .

  9. 国有股东在公司治理方面表现出一定的低效率,公众股东作用不明显而法人股东的作用尚待加强。

    State shareholders in corporate governance perform a certain degree of inefficiency , while the correlation of public shareholders is not obvious , and the role of legal person shareholders needs to be strengthened .

  10. 布伊格兄弟的律师们称这是因为布伊格股份有限公司董事会包括最大的法人股东法国里昂信贷银行的派出代表,他们只批准了这么多的股份。

    Lawyers for the brothers say only that Bouygues SA 's board , which included representatives from Cr é dit Lyonnais , the largest institutional shareholder , approved the size of the firm 's stake .

  11. 因而,要建立有效的公司治理结构,必须建立以机构投资者和企业法人股东为主导的股权模式以及主债权人和银行积极监控的债权模式。

    Therefore , in order to establish effective corporate governance structure , we must establish an equity structure comprises with institutional investors and enterprise juridical-person share-holders , and a debt structure comprises with major debtee and bank supervisor .

  12. 一人有限责任公司的股东通常只为一个自然股东或一个法人股东,较其他公司形式更为缺乏制约与监督,出现滥用公司法人人格的情形也更为常见,严重危害正常经济秩序。

    A limited liability company , the shareholders are usually only a natural shareholder or a juridical person shareholder , than other company form is more lack of restriction and supervision , appear abuse corporate personality of the situation is more common , serious harm normal economic order .

  13. 培育高质量的法人大股东有利于改善公司治理的监督效率;

    Cultivating quality big shareholder is beneficial for the improvement of monitoring efficiency .

  14. 法人股股东持股比例与公司绩效存在正相关关系。

    Positively related to the legal shareholder ratio .

  15. 而第一大股东为国有法人股股东在盈利信息披露的及时性方面明显好于第一大股东为其他股股东。

    And the companies whose largest shareholder is state legal person shares are better in the earning information disclosure timeliness than other shares .

  16. 企业注册,经济区直属招商,您只需提供法人和股东的身份证,就可全程帮您办理。

    Business registration , economic zone directly under the investment , you need to provide corporate and shareholder identity , can help you with the whole .

  17. 大股东性质不同的上市公司两职设置有较大差异;法人股股东的控制能力越高,两职分离的程度越高。

    Great difference of leadership structure exists among different big shareholders : the higher the capability of corporation control , the greater the extent of separation be - tween board chairman and CEO .

  18. 股权结构可以分成两层含义:一是股权集中度;二是不同所有制股权的构成,即国家股股东、法人股股东及社会公众股股东等的持股比例。

    Ownership structure can be divided into two meanings : Firstly , stock concentration ; secondly , the composition of different ownership , such as the State shareholders , corporate shareholders and the public shareholders and other stake .

  19. 自从我国股权分置改革开始,大量的非流通股转为流通股,允许国有股以及法人股股东所持有的非流通股在二级市场上流通交易。

    Since Chinese ownership de-settlement transformation started , a large amount of unexchangeable shares have been transformed into exchangeable shares . It is allowed for the state shareholders and institutional shareholders to exchange their shares in the secondary market .

  20. 私人股份资本所有制已不再是资本主义股份制的基本形式,法人资本股东化已成为发达资本主义所有制新变化的标志。

    The personal share capital system of ownership no longer was the fundamental capitalism joint stock system mode , and the legal person capital shareholder has become the symbol of new change of the system of ownership in the developed countries .

  21. 随着2003年7月12日要约有效期结束之日的到来,240万股的法人股股东选择了放弃接受要约,而1.44亿股的流通股股东也根本无利接受要约。

    With the forthcoming of validity period , on July 12 2003 , the end of the tender offer , 2.4 million of the stockholders of the juridical shares gave up accepting the tender offer . While the stockholder of circulating shares can not accept the tender offer .

  22. 揭开公司面纱规则是为了遏制股东滥用法人资格或股东有限责任之行为而设置的法律规则。

    In order to prevent the corporate shareholders from abusing of limited liability or legal personality of corporation of the rule , the rule of piercing of the corporate veil is set up .

  23. 公司法人财产权与股东的股份权利既相互独立又相互制衡。

    Juridical person 's property rights and stockholders'share rights are mutually independent and conditioned .

  24. 公司法人人格独立和股东有限责任原则是公司法人制度的基石,公司法人格否认法理是公司法人制度的例外和补充。

    Personality ; Corporation Independent corporate personality and principle of limited liability is the base of corporation system .

  25. 股东对公司出资后形成了公司的法人财产权,股东享有平等的股东权。

    After capital contribution , corporation forms property rights of legal person , while shareholders enjoy equal shareholders ' rights .

  26. 于此,就有必要通过否认公司法人人格,将股东从有限责任的眷顾中抽出,追究其对债务承担无限责任。

    So it is necessary to deny the independent personality of corporation , and enforce the shareholder to take the unlimited duty .

  27. 第二,责任主体是滥用了公司法人独立地位和股东有限责任的公司积极股东。

    Secondly , subject of liability is the active shareholders of a company who abusing the limited liability and independent personality of a legal person .

  28. 作为公司法八制度的两大基石,公司法人人格独立和股东有限责任对完善社会机构、增加社会财富,可谓功不可没。

    As a corporate law system , the two eight cornerstone of personal independence and shareholders of corporate limited liability to the improvement of the social institutions , increase social wealth , has made undeniable contributions .

  29. 具体而言,法人股第一大股东、第一、二、四大股东持股比例高、股权集中度高、盈利能力强的公司倾向于对外兼并;

    In specific , the company whose number one share holder , and number two and four shareholder hold high percentage of shares , whose ownership is highly concentrated and which has strong ability to make profits is more likely to merger ;

  30. 通过对现代企业法人治理结构中股东、董事会和经理各自在确定企业预算目标时相互讨价还价的分析,揭示了不同利益集团之间的博弈过程。

    Modern corporate governance structure includes the relationship among shareholders , board of directors and chief managers . The game process is revealed in different interest groups through the analysis of the above interest groups bargain when they determine the enterprises budget aim .