
fǎ rén qīnɡ suàn
  • Corporate liquidation;liquidation of an artificial person
  1. 公司清算制度是法人清算制度的重要组成部分。

    Company liquidation system is an important part of legal person liquidation system .

  2. 论法人清算期间的法律地位构建我国公司清算制度的框架探讨

    On the Legal Status of Corporations Dur in g Liquidation Discussion on Frameworks of Corporate Liquidation System

  3. 现行企业法人清算制度除外商投资企业清算制度有清算期限的规定外,其余均无清算期限的规定。

    The present settlement has not made the provisions for settlement limit except the settlement of the foreign investment .

  4. 对企业被吊销营业执照后的法人资格及其清算问题进行了探讨,以期能对我国公司法制的完善有所裨益。

    The article analyzes the problems of corporate organization and liquidation after the situation of revoking business license happened to a company .

  5. 公司解散,意味着公司应当停止经营活动,但其法人资格并没有消亡,公司作为清算法人可以在清算目的范围内活动。

    Company dismissal means that the company should stop the operation activity but its legal personality is not abolished . As clearing legal person , the company can act within the range of liquidation purposes .