
  • 网络liquidation;liquidation of a company;company liquidation
  1. 公司清算制度正是解决上述问题的有效途径。

    Corporate liquidation is the right way to resolve these problems .

  2. 广义的公司清算,包括破产清算和解散清算。

    Generalized corporate liquidation includes bankruptcy liquidation and disbandment liquidation .

  3. 关于完善我国公司清算立法的意见

    Opinions on Perfecting the Legislation of Company Liquidation in China

  4. 狭义的公司清算仅指解散清算。

    In the narrow sense , corporate liquidation means disbandment liquidation only .

  5. 公司清算可分为任意清算和强制清算。

    Company liquidation can be separated as voluntary liquidation and compulsory liquidation .

  6. 公司清算的原因是解散。

    Liquidation is due to dissolution of the company .

  7. 公司清算制度是法人清算制度的重要组成部分。

    Company liquidation system is an important part of legal person liquidation system .

  8. 其中一名董事被指定为公司清算人。

    One of the company directors was appointed liquidator .

  9. 首先,对公司清算及其两个相关概念&公司解散和公司终止进行了界定,分析了这几个概念之间的区别和联系,探讨了公司清算的类型。

    The author first probes into the concept of liquidation , dissolution and termination .

  10. 公司清算分两种,即破产清算和非破产清算。

    There are two types of enterprise liquidations , bankruptcy liquidation and non-bankruptcy liquidation .

  11. 论公司清算期间的法律地位

    Of the Legal Status of Corporations During Liquidation

  12. 公司清算制度的缺陷对于我国公司制度的良性发展是一种不可估量的损失。

    Defects in company liquidation do immeasurable harm to the development of our company system .

  13. 构建我国公司清算制度的框架探讨

    Discussion on Frameworks of Corporate Liquidation System

  14. 公司清算义务人研究

    COMPANY A Research on Corporation Liquidation Obligor

  15. 在公司清算过程中,最应当受到保护的利害关系人是公司的债权人。

    Protection of creditor 's interests is embodied in the whole process of company liquidation .

  16. 首先预防公司清算启动失败的角度,对公司解散登记制度和公司清算人登记制度进行了介绍。

    First of all , it introduces the registration system for the company dissolution and liquidator .

  17. 先对设立中公司清算,后由发起人承担连带责任。

    After liquidating the establishment of the company , sponsors assume a jointly and severally liability .

  18. 解决这一问题的关键,是确立完善的公司清算义务制度。

    The key to solve this problem is to establish a perfect company liquidating obligations system .

  19. 然而遗憾的是,我国公司清算法律制度的理论研究和立法准备与国外都相去甚远。

    However , compared with other counties , the research and legislation in China is lagged behind .

  20. 论法人清算期间的法律地位构建我国公司清算制度的框架探讨

    On the Legal Status of Corporations Dur in g Liquidation Discussion on Frameworks of Corporate Liquidation System

  21. 大多数优先股具有对公司清算资产的优先权。

    Most preferred stocks carry a preference as to assets in the event of liquidation of the corporation .

  22. 我国公司清算是法定清算,公司解散是公司清算的原因。

    Company liquidation is liquidated legally in our country , company dismiss is the reason of a company liquidation .

  23. 典型的情况是,优先股具有在股利分配上的某种优先权,并且在公司清算时对资产有优先要求权。

    Typically , preferred stocks have some type of dividend preference and a prior claim to assets in liquidation .

  24. 公司清算组织负责人签署的注销登记申请书;

    An application for cancellation of registration signed by the person in charge of the company 's liquidation group ;

  25. 因此,有待对公司清算法律制度进行进一步探究。

    Therefore , it is very necessary to make some further researching about the law system of non-bankruptcy liquidation .

  26. 如果公司清算,其资产超过了其债务,纳税人将在钩。

    If the company was liquidated and its assets exceeded its debts , taxpayers would be on the hook .

  27. 被吊照公司清算制度的构建&吊销公司企业法人营业执照应与清算制度相结合

    Establishment of the Liquidation Process for Revoked Business License Company & Revoking Business License should Combine with the Liquidation Process

  28. 正是由于我国公司清算制度的过于简单和粗糙,在公司清算实践中,公司债权人等利益相关者往往因之受损。

    The benefit of creditors and stakeholder frequently suffers from our crude and simple company liquidation system in the Practice .

  29. 公司清算制度是公司终止并退出市场的必经程序。

    The liquidation is a necessary step for the company to quit the market , in which the shareholders are very important .

  30. 本章分四个部分介绍公司清算人的产生、公司清算人的性质、公司清算人职责与公司清算人的法律责任。

    This chapter divides into four parts to introduce the production , the nature , the duty and legal liability of company liquidator .