
ɡōnɡ sī fǎ
  • orporation law;act of company;company act
  1. 项目法人实施中存在的问题有:没有按《公司法》的规定设立项目法人;

    This article explores the problems which exist in the performance of the project corporation : not establishing the project corporation according to the rules of The Act of Company ;

  2. 公司法修订的基本目标与价值取向

    The Basic Aim and Value Orientation on Modification of Company Act

  3. 她的第二任丈夫是一位稳重、刻板的公司法律师。

    Her second husband was a steady , unimaginative , corporate lawyer .

  4. 《公司法》规定了一系列最低标准。

    The Companies Act lays down a set of minimum requirements

  5. 公司法方面的规制主要是办j寸管理层、目标公司董事、目标公司大股东在管理层收购中的义务界定上做出的。

    Corporation law mainly regulates the actions of management , directors of the target company and controlling shareholders of the target company .

  6. 修改公司法,放宽公司的担保能力

    Amend the Corporate Law and Expand the Capacity of Corporate Guarantee

  7. 中国公司法应该选择折中资本制。

    Chinese company law should choose a compromise capital system .

  8. 关联企业债权人利益的公司法保护

    Creditors Protection in the Affiliate Enterprises by the Company Law

  9. 新《公司法》一人公司规范之疑义与缺失

    The Problems of Provisions about One-Man Company In the New Company Law

  10. 论公司法债权人保护制度的完善

    Perfection of the System of Creditor Protection in Company Law

  11. 新《公司法》与股东派生诉讼制度的完善

    New company law and shareholder derive litigation system 's perfection

  12. 新《公司法》对股权变动模式规定较为混乱。

    The new company law changes to shareholding is chaos .

  13. 两国在证券法理念、立法发展方式、公司法理论的不同背景和环境下形成了适合各自国情的立法模式,也为我国在相应问题上的立法提供了可资借鉴的丰富经验。

    Both of patterns provide profound experiences on our legislation .

  14. 欧洲公司法最新改革与发展

    New Reform and Development of Company Law in the Europe

  15. 新《公司法》对公司章程自治性的实践和尊重是历史的巨大进步,它也预示着公司自治时代进一步的开启。

    It also indicates that the further opening era of company autonomy .

  16. 美国公司法上的董事知情权制度及其对我国的启示

    Director 's Right to Information in US Corporate Law and its Inspiration

  17. 公司法中约束董事行为的问题研究

    Research on the Problems of Restricting Director 's Action in Company Law

  18. 这是公司法的一个基本理论问题。

    This is a basic theoretical issue of corporate law .

  19. 对完善我国公司法若干问题的思考

    An Inquiry into Certain Issues on the Perfection of Company Law in China

  20. 澳大利亚公司法中的董事义务及对我国的立法启示

    The Duties of Directors in Australian Company Law and Advices for Chinese Legislation

  21. 《公司法》:修订之后话公司

    Corporation Act : Talk about Companies after the Amendment

  22. 第三部分是南京国民政府公司法的主要内容;

    Part 3 is the contents of the corporation law of Nanjing Government .

  23. 中国加入世贸组织后公司法的修改前瞻

    A Prospect of the Amending of Corporation Law After China 's Accession to WTO

  24. 公司法中一个重要的原则就是公司意思自治。

    In the law of corporation an important principle is the company meaning autonomy .

  25. 浅析新公司法之亮点

    On the Highlights of the New Company Law

  26. 夫妻型公司法人格研究

    The Research on Incorporation Qualification of Couple Companies

  27. 实际上,日本的公司法要比英美更有利于股东的。

    Corporate law is actually more shareholder-friendly in Japan than in America or Britain .

  28. 他是公司法的权威人士。

    He is an authority on corporate law .

  29. 论关联交易的《公司法》规范

    On Regulation of Related Transaction by Corporation Law

  30. 新《公司法》对监事会制度的立法完善

    Legislation Improvement of the Board of Supervisors System in the New Law of Corporation