
  • 网络interest rate on debenture;Corporate Bond Rate
  1. 长期债券将对房屋抵押贷款和其他贷款的利率造成影响。公司债券利率的降低将使企业在设备和工作岗位方面进行更多投资。降低短期利率是美联储促使银行增加带宽的主要方法之一。

    Lowering short-term interest rates is the Federal Reserve 's main way to get banks to increase lending .

  2. 针对嵌入期权的影响,探讨了随机免疫方法和基于套期保值策略的金融工程手段这两种公司债券利率风险管理策略。

    Accounting for the influence , explores a stochastic immunization method and financial engineering approaches based on hedging , which are two kinds of interest rate risk management strategies .

  3. 指出我国政府对公司债券的利率管制和强制担保要求等不当干预加重了公司债券市场的信息不对称,阻碍了市场的健康发展。

    Then the author states that improper government intervention in China 's corporate bond market such as interest rate control and mandatory guarantee aggravates the problem of information asymmetry and hinders the development of viable corporate bond market .

  4. 那么为什么不学习美国人:开始购买公司债券和其他固定利率证券,包括银行债券,并且立刻采取行动。

    So why not do what the Americans did : start buying corporate bonds and other fixed-interest securities , including bank bonds , immediately .