
ɡuǎnɡ ɡào fǎ
  • advertising law
  1. 36家非营利组织已联名向北京市工商局举报百度公司涉嫌违反中国广告法。

    A group of 36 non-profits has filed a complaint with the Beijing Administration of Industry and Commerce accusing Baidu of violating China 's advertising law .

  2. 执法人员表示,该商铺号称“最优秀”,违反了国家广告法不得使用“最高级”、“最佳”等用语的规定。

    Law enforcement personnel said the store had violated the country 's Advertising Law and relevant regulations when it used " the best " or " the most " in its advertising .

  3. 法律实施机制的健全:论《广告法》的修改

    Mechanism Healthiness of Executing Law : Discuss about the Recension of

  4. 论广告法的完善与执法机制的建立

    Research upon the perfection of the advertisement law and it 's enforcement mechanisms

  5. 关于《广告法》中广告真实性原则的几点认识

    Several Views on Authentic Principle in Advertisement Law

  6. 广告法中广告真实性原则,一方面有其质的规定性,对这一规定性应有科学的认识。

    The authentic principle in Advertisement Law contains both regulation in nature and scientific knowledge .

  7. 另一方面它在广告法中又有其核心地位。

    On the other hand , the authentic principle in Advertisement Law contains its central position .

  8. 《广告法》中的广告经营者和广告发布者,即《条例》中的广告经营者。

    The advertising operators and advertising publishers in the advertising law are the advertising operators in the regulation .

  9. 广告法!中华人民共和国著作权法!可作为依据。

    Advertisement law ! Copyright of people 's Republic of China law ! Can serve as a basis .

  10. 修订版《广告法》还将关注网络广告违法行为给消费者所造成的损失。

    The revised version of the law also focuses more on the harm to consumers caused by false online ads.

  11. 从网络传播的特殊性看我国现行《广告法》操作性的缺失

    The special spread from the network see an our country current 《 advertise a method 》 the imperfection of the operability

  12. 国家工商行政管理总局日前出台了《广告法》,对广告荐证人的法律责任问题做出了相对明确的规定。

    The Draft of Advertising Regulations issued currently by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce expressly provide the liabilities of the advertising attestor .

  13. 在澳大利亚,烟草公司希望阻止世界上最严格的烟草广告法。

    In Australia , tobacco companies want to stop what would be the world 's most restrictive laws on cigarette advertising . Cigarettes could be sold only in plain olive-green packages .

  14. 严格的责任制度。如法国和日本的广告法规定,凡由于虚假广告给消费者个人造成损失的,消费者有权向检察机关提起控告或在刑事诉讼中以当事人的身份参加诉讼。

    French and Japanese advertising laws provide strict liability system . Once false advertising causes damages to customers , customers can ask procuratorial organs to bring an action or participate in criminal litigations .

  15. 这些法律漏洞表现在广告法调整范围狭窄、广告法律制度不完善、广告法律制度滞后。

    Firstly , legal systems of advertisement contain legal loopholes manifested mainly by the narrow regulative scale of advertisement law , defect of subject right in advertisement legislation , defect of advertising law-enforcement procedures .

  16. 从内容立法、外国内容的比例、广告法、防止假冒等四方面的立法来说明全球电子商务在信息内容上有待解决的问题。

    From the four aspects including content legislation , the proportion of foreign content , advertisement law and beware of imitations , the problems going to be solved in information on globe electronic commerce were discussed .

  17. 在我国,堕胎法的缺失和广告法的模糊,使得不少广告商和医疗机构片面追求经济利益,掩盖人流手术的危险,将受众引入健康误区。

    In China , with the lack of abortion law and advertising law , so many advertisers and medical institutions pursuit of economic interests one-sided . They cover up the risk of abortions , and mislead the audience into healthy errors .

  18. 首先是从立法角度上,建议完善《广告法》的相关规定,填补我国法律的空白,借鉴国外经验大力推进我国公益诉讼制度并完善广告的审查制度。

    The first is from the legislative point of view , proposed to improve the " Advertising Law " the relevant provisions , to fill gaps in our laws , and vigorously promote foreign experiences and improve our public interest litigation advertising censorship .

  19. 广告法规定广告不得含有虚假的内容,不得欺骗和误导消费者,否则应承担相应的民事、行政责任,但广告范围只限于商业广告。

    Advertisement law stipulates that ad ? S contents should be genuine , and shouldn ? T deceive and mislead consumer , otherwise , the advertiser should bear civil responsibility or administrative responsibility , and that the range of ad is limited to commercial ads only .

  20. 悬赏广告的法经济学分析

    A Law and Economics Analysis on Reward-offering Advertisements

  21. 本文通过描述案例,对悬赏广告进行法经济学分析,认为悬赏广告实质上是失主向不特定人发出的、由拾得人承诺的、涉及权利交易的契约;

    This article analyzes the reward-offering advertisements by dwelling on a specific case with law and economics .

  22. 第四章是以关联理论为指导所进行的广告修辞法及文化方便的翻译研究。

    The fourth chapter is a study on the guidance of Relevance Theory to advertising translation on rhetorical figure level and culture aspects .

  23. 斯皮策办公室认为公司的这些说法违反了纽约州的广告欺诈法和商业法。

    Spitzer 's office maintains that these and other claims made by the company violate the state 's false advertising and general business laws .

  24. 比较广告及其竞争法规制

    The Comparative Advertising and the Regulation of Competition Law

  25. 广告汉英翻译法初探

    On approaches to Chinese-English translation of advertisements

  26. 看一下力波的广告吧,没法不爱上海。因为我是上海人,热爱上海,需要理由吗?

    I love shanghai because I am from Shanghai , wherever in the world you can find Shanghainese .

  27. 广告&使用列表法来比较平面媒体广告、站广告或其他形式广告的推广效果。

    Advertising & Tabulate response-card mechanisms from ads , web site ads , and other forms of advertising .

  28. 保护消费者,可以采用发达的做法,真正的广告审查和监督法。

    To protect consumers , governments can follow the practice of developed countries by enforcing really strict censorship and supervising laws in regard to advertising as a whole .

  29. 该网站是国内一家大型分类广告网站。劳动法专家、中国劳动关系学院教授蒋英说,睡眠时间被剥夺的科技公司员工这种少见的抗议让我们看到了员工维护自己权益时面临的困难。

    Jiang Ying , a professor at China University of Labor Relations and a leading expert on China 's Labor Law , said the rare protest by sleep-deprived tech firm employees underscored the difficulties facing workers who defend their rights .

  30. 广告的真实性是广告法的基本原则。

    Truthfulness of ads is the basic principle of advertisement law .