
  • 网络advertising bidding
  1. 回顾与解读:CCTV广告招标十三年

    Review and Unscramble : 13 Years of CCTV Ad Bidding

  2. 本文从理论角度对CCTV广告招标十三年历程进行归纳和总结。

    Intention of this essay is to conclude the13-years development of CCTV , among which to invite public advertising bids .

  3. 一些有线频道,包括CNN、时代华纳新闻节目,筚路蓝缕来创建它们的品牌,和没有品牌相比,它们能以更高的价位进行广告招标。

    Several cable channels , including CNN , Time Warner 's news outfit , have painstakingly built brands that enable them to sell advertising at higher rates than they otherwise would .

  4. 2007年央视黄金资源广告招标政策说明。

    Explanation on ads bidding of CCTV Golden Resources in2007 .

  5. 2006年央视广告招标结果分析

    Analyse the Result of 2006 ' Bidding of CCTV

  6. 央视说,之所以没有披露有关2014年广告招标的信息,是因为今年的招标计划有一些变化。

    CCTV said it didn 't disclose information about the 2014 ad auction because the format changed this year .

  7. 央视还说,担心媒体机构会错误地解读广告招标结果,使消费者对新数据产生误解。

    CCTV also said it feared that media outlets would ' wrongly interpret ' information and ' confuse consumers ' with the new figures .

  8. 与往年不同,中国中央电视台本周没有公布备受关注的2014年广告招标结果。

    China Central Television this week departed from past practice and declined to disclose results of a closely watched auction for advertising slots for next year .

  9. 多年以来,中央电视台广告招标的结果都被视为中国迅速成长的广告业乃至整个经济的晴雨表。

    CCTV 's ad auction results in past years were seen as a barometer of China 's fast-growing advertising industry as well as its overall economy .

  10. 这家国有电视台只是在回答记者问题的书面回复中说,今年央视广告招标额增幅与国家经济增幅一致。

    In a written response to questions , the state-run broadcaster said only that its ad-auction sales growth this year was in line with the country 's economic growth .

  11. 当一个总裁多次不能得到有关新的广告招标结果的报告时,他停止询问副市场总监,并且转问一个可以给出答案的人。

    When a CEO repeatedly wasn 't getting reports on the results from a new ad campaign , he stopped asking the vice president of marketing and made the request to a person one rung down .

  12. 相比之下,去年的央视广告招标额同比增长11%,达到人民币159亿元的历史高点(以当前汇率计算合26.1亿美元)。

    By comparison , last year 's auction resulted in an 11 % increase in revenue over 2011 , reaching an all-time high of 15.9 billion yuan ( $ 2.61 billion at current exchange rates ) .

  13. 昌荣传播表示,此次招标会广告招标额降幅最大的是白酒行业,同比下降了85%。这是因为政府提倡节俭作风,在公务宴请上饮酒被限制甚至被禁止。

    Charm said the biggest drop came from alcohol bidders , whose ad buys plummeted 85 % in the midst of government austerity efforts that have made drinking spirits less acceptable and even forbidden at official banquets .

  14. 据此,对引入运动员代言广告活动的招标制度进行探讨。

    Then it discusses how to introducing bidding system to athletes advertisement endorsed .

  15. 如果是就净资产值招标,通告或广告中必须写明招标价格计算的基础。

    In the case of a net asset value tender , the circular or advertisement must set out the basis on which the tender price will be calculated .

  16. 今年中国举办奥运会,广告收入已大幅飙升,因此2009年广告招标收入的增长尤其令人惊讶。

    The rise in advertising revenue is particularly surprising as it follows the Olympics this year , which generated a surge in ad revenues .

  17. 据半岛晨报报道,央视广告部最近同它的VIP广告商们进行了内部会议,为即将到来的黄金时段广告招标做准备。

    According to the Peninsula Morning Post , CCTV 's Advertisement Department has recently held an inside meeting with its VIP advertisers , preparing for the upcoming Prime-time Advertising Auction .

  18. 据半岛晨报报道,央视广告部最近同它的VIP广告商们进行了内部会议,为即将到来的“黄金时段广告招标”做准备。

    According to the Peninsula Morning Post , CCTV 's Advertisement Department has recently held an inside meeting with its VIP advertisers , preparing for the upcoming " Prime-time Advertising Auction . "