
  1. 基于人脸检测与跟踪的广告效果评估系统

    Advertisement effect evaluation system based on face detection and tracking

  2. 广告效果评估模型及其应用研究

    Research on Advertising Effect Model and Its Application

  3. 中国媒介产业化背景下广告效果评估的初步研究

    The Elementary Study of Advertisement Effect Evaluation under the Background of Media Industrialization in China

  4. 网络广告效果评估的首要工作就是获得统计数据。

    The first and foremost task for assessing online advertisement is to acquire statistical data .

  5. 央视世界杯广告效果评估

    Effects Evaluation of CCTV World Cup ADs

  6. 因此,本文所提出的是一套科学有效,客观准确,易用性强的广告效果评估体系。

    Therefore , this paper proposes a scientific and rational , easy-to-use ad performance evaluation system .

  7. 熵权双基点法在网络广告效果评估中的应用

    The Application of the Method of Entropy Two-base-point in the Assessing of the Effects of Internet Advertising

  8. 本文从营销和管理的角度,结合收视率中的接触度分析,论述了建立科学的广告效果评估体系的基本思路。

    With the theories of Marketing and Management , this thesis discusses the bases that how to establish the scientific evaluation system based on contacting analyses of audience rating .

  9. 网络广告的效果评估

    The Effect of Internet Advertisements

  10. 网络广告的效果评估问题是关系网络广告前途命运的重大课题。

    The assessment of its is a major issue related to the future and destiny of internet advertising .

  11. 网络广告效果的评估包括传播效果、经济效果和社会效果评估三方面的内容,而其中尤以网络广告的经济效果评估最为企业决策者所重视。

    The evaluation includes spreading effect , economic effect and social effect , and the economic effect especially is laid stress on by policy decider .

  12. 广告效果的事后评估则是对广告活动结束后的实际结果做出评判,主要是对照广告实施前的既定目标,检查广告实施效果。

    The evaluation after the execution is to assess the consequence of the advertising campaign through examining whether the goal set before the execution is achieved or not after the campaign .

  13. 广告效果的事前评估目的在于确保正确的广告诉求、定位和策略方法,主要包括审核广告活动执行前的重要策略和预测目标受众对创意表现的反应;

    The evaluation before the execution is to ensure proper advertising appeal , positioning and strategies , and it mainly includes the evaluation of major strategies before the execution and the test of target audience 's attitude towards the creative execution style .

  14. 对广告投放效果以及媒体评估指标体系进行了研究,并提出了一种指标体系。

    Analyze the effect of ad-rate and the media evaluation index system , and give out an elementary index system .

  15. 然而与之相伴的是媒介经营者的竞争升级,广告传播环境的嘈杂,广告效果评估的难度日增。

    However , upgraded competition among media operators , noisy communication environment , increased difficulties of effect evaluation and so on as side effects are coming with the flourish .

  16. 随着商业的发展,商家对投放广告所产生的效果越来越重视,广告效果评估与智能播放是两个重要的研究内容。

    With the development of commerce , the businessperson pays more and more attention to the effect of advertising , advertising effectiveness assessment and intelligent play are two important parts for research .

  17. 在三地大学生中测量了其对网络广告的态度,并对网络广告的效果进行了评估;

    Among the college students form three different cities , we measured their attitude towards internet advertisements , and a internet advertising effect .

  18. 比如网站内容的同质性导致的用户流失,广告传播中信息的可信度,以及对广告效果的评估体系的缺失,都是我们需要正视和解决的问题。

    User such as the contents of the homogeneity of the result of the loss of credibility of the information in the advertising communication , as well as the lack of advertising effectiveness evaluation system , we need to address and solve the problem .

  19. 第二部分是网络广告的效果测评的分类,阐述了网络广告效果评估的原则,网络广告效果评估的内容及指标,网络广告心理效果测评指标的分类,影响广告效果测评的不利因素;

    The second section classifies all kinds of assessments on different Internet advertisements ' effect , discussing the basic principles , the contents and the index for such classification , and how to sort the evaluations of psychological influence on consumers , pointing out some unfavorable factors .

  20. 通过论述有效的广告管理的关键在于正确评估广告效果,本文提出了建立科学的广告效果评估体系的必要性。

    By expounding that correct evaluation of advertising effects is crucial for effective advertising management , this thesis puts forward the necessity of establishing a scientific system to evaluate advertising effects .