
  • 网络plaza agreement;the Plaza Accord
  1. 当年为了促成广场协议,美国全力进行外交斡旋,才说服g5中的欧洲国家(法国、德国和英国)以及强硬的日本采取合作态度。

    Even to achieve the Plaza Accord took a committed diplomatic effort by the us to corral European members of the G5 France , Germany and the UK and strong-arm Japan into co-operating .

  2. 外币汇率的决定因素&变动数学模型与广场协议

    Determinant of foreign currency exchange rate & changes in mathematical model and plaza accord

  3. 七国集团(groupofseven)或许可以将《广场协议》复制到人民币、日元和其它被低估的亚洲币种上。

    The group of seven could replicate the Plaza Agreement , presumably with respect to the renminbi and other undervalued Asian currencies as well as the yen .

  4. 目前,正如我的同事艾伦贝蒂(alanbeattie)所报道,达成中国式《广场协议》的可能性不大。

    Right now , as my colleague Alan Beattie reports , the chance of a new Chinese-style Plaza deal seems unlikely .

  5. 他表示,广场协议以及1987年旨在稳定美元的《卢浮宫协议》(louvreaccord),通过使美元走弱提振了美国经济,从而使白宫有了更大的削减赤字的余地。

    By boosting the US economy through a weaker dollar , he says , plaza and a subsequent 1987 deal to stabilise the dollar , the Louvre accord , allowed the white house more freedom to reduce the deficit .

  6. 自广场协议之后,日元升值一直困扰日本经济的发展。

    After square negotiate , the yen appreciation has been obstructed Japanese economy .

  7. 广场协议的背景、实质及实施效果分析

    The Analysis on the Background , Content and Implementation of " Plaza Accord "

  8. 外汇交易员们上周确信,另一个广场协议就要产生了。

    Forex traders convinced themselves last week that another Plaza Accord is in the offing .

  9. 我们之所以这么说,是因为《广场协议》针对的其实是两个经常账目盈余不断膨胀的国家。

    We know this because the Plaza Accord targeted two countries with bulging current account surpluses .

  10. 中国官员经常声称,广场协议给日本造成了灾难性后果。

    In any case , Chinese officials often argue that the Plaza Accord was disastrous for Japan .

  11. 在日本1985的广场协议下,日元迅速增值,使房地产市场升温。

    In1985 under the Plaza Accord the Japanese yen immediately appreciated , heating up its real estate market .

  12. 从广场协议看我国当前的人民币升值问题

    Let 's See the Question of the Appreciation of R. M. B in Our Country through the Square Agreement

  13. 鉴于以上事实,现在回顾历史时,很容易得出《广场协议》是一个坏主意的结论。

    Now , given that , it might seem tempting in retrospect to conclude that the Plaza Accord was a bad idea .

  14. 但即便美联储最终选择克制,也不意味着会形成新的广场协议。

    But even if the Fed were to end up choosing restraint , it would not add up to a new Plaza arrangement .

  15. 在2007年年中,经通胀因素调整后的日元实际汇率恰好回到了广场协议签订前夕的水平。

    In real , inflation-adjusted terms , by mid-2007 it was back precisely where it was on the eve of the Plaza Accord .

  16. 在1985年,西方主要工业国达成广场协议之后,日元对美元的汇率在三年内上升了80%。

    After the plaza accord between the big industrial countries in1985 , the Japanese yen rose by80 % against the dollar in three years .

  17. 实证结果发现:日本广场协议后,日元升值期间,日美贸易数据支持模型分析的结论;2005年人民币汇改后,中美之间数据不支持模型分析的结论。

    The empirical results show that the Japan-US trade data support the model conclusions , but the China-US trade data do not support the model conclusions .

  18. 在分析过程中我总结出了日本房地产泡沫形成的这样一个逻辑关系,即由广场协议的签订日本产业结构调整(失调)日本房地产泡沫形成破灭。

    During the analysis I conclude the logic relationship in the formation of the real estate bubble , which is Square Agreement – industry structure revision-bubble forming and collapse .

  19. 然而,许多经济体非常谨慎,不期望达成像1985年广场协议那样的一致。当时的协议确定了美元的价值。

    Many economists , however , caution not to expect any sort of grand bargain similar to the 1985 Plaza Accord , which addressed the value of the U.S. dollar .

  20. 广场协议后,各国对外汇市场进行了干预,其中尤其以日本政府对外汇市场的干预程度最大,短短三个月中日元升值了20%。

    After the " Plaza Agreement ", these nations all innerved foreign exchange market . Among them , the Japanese government made the largest intervention in the foreign exchange market because the Japanese yen appreciated by20 % in just three months .

  21. 20世纪80年代中期,日本被迫签订了广场协议,其后,日本实行扩张性的货币政策以应对日元升值的影响,然而过剩的流动性促使资产价格大幅度上涨,日本经济发展进入泡沫化阶段。

    In the mid-1980s , Japan used expansionary monetary policy in response to the impact of Yen appreciation after the " Plaza Accord " . However , excess liquidity prompted a sharp rise in asset prices , Japan entered a bubble-economic period .

  22. 但是,一些反政府示威者不满反对派领导人的决定,今天他们占据基辅独立广场要求就这份协议做出解释。

    However , some anti-government protesters booed opposition leaders to take the stage today in Kiev Independence Square to explain the deal .