
huò bì fǎ
  • monetary law
  1. 一国汇率义务与IMF职能&国际货币法视角下的人民币汇率问题

    A Member State 's Exchange Rate Obligation and IMF 's Functions : Considering Renminbi Exchange Rate from the Angle of the International Monetary Law

  2. 除了专攻货币法的律师以外,所有人都将变得更加穷困。

    Everyone , except lawyers specialising in the lex monetae , would become much poorer .

  3. 留住零钱在加拿大,1985年实施的货币法禁止消费者用大数量的硬币购买商品。

    In Canada , Currency Act of 1985 prohibits consumers from using unreasonable amounts of coins to pay for purchases .

  4. 在金融危机爆发前,在降低成本的压力下,银行存放在美联储的存款准备金缩水至仅400亿美元,不到银行负债的0.5%,远低于《1980年货币控制法》(MonetaryControlActof1980)规定的上限。

    Under pressure from the banks to keep costs down , required reserves at the Fed had withered to just $ 40bn before the financial crisis broke , equal to less than 0.5 per cent of the banks " liabilities , far below the ceilings set by the Monetary Control Act of 1980 .

  5. 论国际货币金融法的性质名称和体系

    The Nature , Course Name and System of International Financial and Monetary Law

  6. 这些估测方法可以归纳为货币分析法和非货币分析法。

    They built some worthful methods , including monetary method and non-monetary method .

  7. 本文使用货币需求法测度了66个行业的隐性经济规模。

    Using the currency demand method , this paper investigates the size of the hidden economy from 66 industries .

  8. 本文借鉴汇率决定的货币分析法,对会汇率影响实体经济的资产价格路径建模并进行实证分析。

    This reference currency exchange rate determined by analysis of the exchange rate affect the real economy will be the asset price path modeling and empirical analysis .

  9. 在国际收支货币分析法理论与具体事项结合的前提下,确定该部分需要研究的和控制的变量。

    According to the theory of the monetary approach to balance of payments and specific issues , this part identified some variables which need to be studied and controlled .

  10. 而根据贬值的货币分析法,贬值在长期内对一国的产出和就业没有影响,贬值是中性的。

    However , according to the Currency Analytical Approach , currency depreciation is neutral and has no effects on the production and employment in a country in the long term .

  11. 为了防止银行发行其他未规定准备金率的债务来逃避准备金要求,《1980年货币控制法》还赋予美联储对任何非存款资金来源施加准备金要求的权力。

    To prevent banks from evading reserve requirements by issuing other , non-reserved liabilities , the MCA also gave the Fed powers to impose reserves on any non-deposit funding source .

  12. 货币犯罪的法益既包括国家的货币发行权,又包括货币的公共信用;

    The legal interests of currency crimes include distributing authority of currency and public credit of currency .

  13. 国际货币和金融法是调整金融关系的各种法律规范的总合。

    The international monetary and financial law is the sum of legal norms that adjust to international monetary and financial relationships .

  14. 本文尝试用产出法即“贡献货币化”法来计量人力资本并建立相应的操作模型。

    The paper attempts to measure human capital output method , namely ," contribution monetization ", and set up a relevant operating model .

  15. 包括支持货币、科学计数法和百分比。

    This includes support for currency , scientific notation , and percentages .

  16. 非公平独立核算的分摊两种货币分算摊款法

    Non-arm 's length allocation split-level method of assessment

  17. 财务内控由组织控制法、授权控制法、预算控制法、货币资金内部控制法、应收与暂付款控制法、固定资产控制法、教育事业收入控制法构成。

    Financial internal control is made up of organization control , authority control , budge control , currency fund internal control , due and temporary fund control , fixed assets control and educational income control .

  18. 目前外币折算方法主要有流动与非流动项目法、货币与非货币项目法、现行汇率法和时态法。

    The current methods of foreign currency translations mainly consist of the flexible - nonflexible method , the monetary-nonmonetary method , the current rate method and the temporal method .