
  1. 基于住房过滤模型对两种住房保障模式进行的分析表明,实物补贴模式相对于货币补贴模式来说具有很多缺点。

    Analyzing the effects of them based on housing filtering model shows that in-kind subsidies have more drawbacks than monetary subsidies .

  2. 补贴的分类;政府兴建住房与货币补贴成本比较研究

    The classification of subsidy ; A Comparative Analysis of Cost between the Government Policy of Housing Rent Subsidization and the New Housing Construction

  3. 政府兴建住房与货币补贴成本比较研究补充货币、社区货币及其试运行的路径

    A Comparative Analysis of Cost between the Government Policy of Housing Rent Subsidization and the New Housing Construction ; Trial Running Path of Added Currency and Community Currency

  4. 政府财税补贴政策对农业上市公司绩效影响实证分析政府兴建住房与货币补贴成本比较研究

    Effect of Governmental Tax Preferences and Direct Subsidies on the Performance of Listed Agribusiness A Comparative Analysis of Cost between the Government Policy of Housing Rent Subsidization and the New Housing Construction

  5. 国际货币基金利息补贴帐户

    Subsidy account of IMF

  6. 货币贬值以补贴国内生产企业的成本的方式刺激出口。

    The currency regime is certainly one of them . An undervalued currency spurs exports by subsidizing costs for local manufacturers .

  7. 与全球数亿人一样,该学校接受了基于云的信息服务的短期价值,而这项服务得到用户数据长期货币化的补贴。

    Like hundreds of millions of people worldwide , the school accepted the short-term value of a cloud-based information service subsidised by the long-term monetisation of user data .

  8. 有几项提议最具威胁性,其中包括宣布中国的廉价货币乃是非法补贴和允许美国公司寻求补偿性关税。

    The most threatening include proposals that would declare China 's cheap currency an illegal subsidy and allow American firms to seek compensatory tariffs .

  9. 上个月,众议院通过了一项法令,将被低估的货币视同非法出口补贴,美国公司有权要求征收抵消性关税。

    A bill passed by the house of Representatives last month would treat undervalued currencies as an illegal export subsidy and allow American firms to request countervailing tariffs .

  10. 运用模型对住房分配货币化、住房补贴和已售公房产权安排给出了新的解释。

    With the application of these models , a new interpretation has been given to the monetization of housing distribution and the arrangement of property right of sold public housing .