
Analyzing the effects of them based on housing filtering model shows that in-kind subsidies have more drawbacks than monetary subsidies .
The classification of subsidy ; A Comparative Analysis of Cost between the Government Policy of Housing Rent Subsidization and the New Housing Construction
A Comparative Analysis of Cost between the Government Policy of Housing Rent Subsidization and the New Housing Construction ; Trial Running Path of Added Currency and Community Currency
Effect of Governmental Tax Preferences and Direct Subsidies on the Performance of Listed Agribusiness A Comparative Analysis of Cost between the Government Policy of Housing Rent Subsidization and the New Housing Construction
Subsidy account of IMF
The currency regime is certainly one of them . An undervalued currency spurs exports by subsidizing costs for local manufacturers .
Like hundreds of millions of people worldwide , the school accepted the short-term value of a cloud-based information service subsidised by the long-term monetisation of user data .
The most threatening include proposals that would declare China 's cheap currency an illegal subsidy and allow American firms to seek compensatory tariffs .
A bill passed by the house of Representatives last month would treat undervalued currencies as an illegal export subsidy and allow American firms to request countervailing tariffs .
With the application of these models , a new interpretation has been given to the monetization of housing distribution and the arrangement of property right of sold public housing .