
huò bì zhì dù
  • monetary system;coinage
  1. 通胀理论的活跃不仅是因为货币制度发生转变,同时也得益于西方经济理论和马克思主义的传入。

    Vitality of inflation theories attributes to the change of coinage as well as the introduction of western economics and Marxism .

  2. 符号货币制度与经济危机:机理、根源与对策

    Symbolic Monetary System and Economy Crisis : Mechanism , Springhead and Countermeasure

  3. 欧洲单一货币制度导致类似于德意志联邦银行(Bundesbank)的欧洲央行成立,欧洲央行以严密、可预见的方式设定货币政策。

    The institution of a single currency in Europe led to the creation of a Bundesbank-like European Central Bank that then and now sets monetary policy in a rigorous , predictable fashion .

  4. 布雷顿森林体系中,黄金-美元成为国际货币制度的基础。

    Dollar got to be the foundation of international currency system .

  5. 战前中国货币制度的变迁及其原因分析

    Chinese Monetary Institution Transformation before War and Study on Its Reason

  6. 每一次国际货币制度的演变,无不伴随着某种形式的货币危机。

    Every evolution was accompanied by some form of currency crisis .

  7. 秦汉货币制度新论

    New Research on Monetary System of Qin and Han Dynasties

  8. 我们也可以享有全面的财政自主权和拥有独立货币制度;

    It gives us complete financial autonomy and an independent monetary system .

  9. 英国货币制度与经济增长(1500-1750年)

    Money System and Economic Growth in England , 1500-1750 ;

  10. 1840&1911年中国货币制度研究

    Study on Monetary System of China from 1840 to 1911

  11. 理事会国际货币制度临时委员会

    Interim Committee of the Board of Governors on the International Monetary System

  12. 新的货币制度,新世界秩序就在这里!

    New Monetary System , New World Order is Here !

  13. 国际货币制度(国际金融体系)

    International monetary system ( also International financial system )

  14. 国际储备货币制度:内在缺陷及改革&2008年全球金融危机引发的思考

    The Reform of the International Monetary System : Reviewing the 2008 Financial Crisis

  15. 过去有些国家的货币制度是金本位制的。

    The monetary system of some countries used to be based on gold .

  16. 这项措施对阿根廷货币制度的影响主要有三方面。

    The measure had three main implications for the monetary system in argentina .

  17. 某些国家的货币制度过去一直是金本位的。

    The monetary system of certain countries used to be based on gold .

  18. 货币制度的转变预示着新政治秩序的兴起。

    Shifts in monetary regimes have signalled the rise of new political orders .

  19. 澳门货币制度重构的研究

    On the reconstruction of Macao 's monetary system

  20. 银行公共关系信用货币制度下的货币创造与银行存贷差额

    Bank Public Relations The Creation of Currency and the Surplus between Deposits and Loans

  21. 我谈到一个共同的,国家的货币制度的新组合。

    I spoke of a common monetary system for that new assemblage of states .

  22. 国际货币制度改革及有关问题特设委员会;

    Ad Hoc Committee on Reform of the international monetary system and related issues ;

  23. 收支平衡、不受限制的和受限制的汇率浮动以及国际货币制度的材料。

    Payment balances , clean and dirty floats , and the International Monetary System .

  24. 本文在货币制度的研究方法上进行了尝试性的创新,首次提出用需求一供给这一经典的理论框架来分析货币合作及货币一体化的变迁。

    This text bring forth new ideas in the research method of currency system .

  25. 宋代货币制度的演变

    Evolvement of Money System in the Song Dynasty

  26. 新的货币制度大大推动了贸易的发展。

    This money system greatly prospered the trade .

  27. 全球化与国际金融货币制度:从亚洲危机中吸取教训

    Globalization and the international financial and monetary system : lessons learned from the Asian crisis

  28. 秦汉之际,货币制度的变化极为复杂。

    During Qin and Western Han Dynasty , the change of currency was very complex .

  29. 国际货币制度演变问题特设政府间高级专家

    Ad Hoc Intergovernmental High-level Group of Experts on the Evolution of the International Monetary System

  30. 宋神宗时期货币制度研究

    Research on Money System during the Reign of Emperor Shen Zhong of the Northern Song Dynasty