
  1. 东亚10+3合作机制发端于1997年亚洲金融危机。

    The " 10 + 3 " cooperation mechanism originated in the 1997 Asian financial crisis .

  2. 经济上,利用10+3合作机制推进东亚区域合作,以发展壮大自己。

    Economically , it advances the regional cooperation from strength to strength by the " 10 + 3 " cooperation mechanism .

  3. 第四部分为东亚10+3合作机制建设的制约因素,这是本文的核心。

    Part IV is the building constraints of the " 10 + 3 " cooperation mechanism , which is the core of this article .

  4. 第五部分为东亚10+3合作机制建设的战略选择。针对第四部分提出的制约因素,提出解决问题的方案。

    Part V is strategic choice for the construction of the " 10 + 3 " cooperation mechanism , to propose solutions to the problem .

  5. 那么究竟是什么原因导致东亚10+3合作机制没能向更高层次发展呢?这是需要学界亟待解决的一个难题。

    So what causes the " 10 + 3 " cooperation mechanism did not develop to a higher level ? This is an academic problem to solve urgently .

  6. 而东亚地区的区域一体化进程则比较缓慢,目前更多的是在东亚10+3合作机制下开展合作,是基于市场力量的经济联合,制度化程度不高。

    However , the progress of the regional economic integration in the East Asia is much slower , and the regional integration is developing under the mechanism of ten plus three , the systematization is still weak .

  7. 东亚目前地区合作最显著的特征是由东盟主导的,主要通过10+3和10+1机制来推动东亚合作,形成了所谓小国主导、大国参与的地区合作主导模式。

    Now in East Asia regional cooperation , the most significant feature is that ASEAN plays a leading role , which promotes regional cooperation mainly by the " 10 + 3 " and " 10 + 1 " mechanism . A small-country dominating and big-country participating pattern is formed .

  8. 中国与日本、韩国的经贸关系也通过10+3的区域合作机制得到加强。

    The economic and trade ties among China , Japan and Korea are also consolidated through the10 + 3 regional cooperation mechanism .