
shuānɡ biān yuán zhù
  • bilateral assistance
  1. 官方双边援助转换问题专家组会议

    Expert Group Meeting on the Conversion of Official Bilateral Assistance

  2. 肯尼亚疾病控制预防中心正在协调来自美国农业部、国防部以及卫生与人类服务部的双边援助。

    CDC-Kenya is coordinating bilateral assistance from the US Departments of Agriculture , Defense and Health and Human Services ( HHS ) .

  3. 双边援助的资源往往侧重于具体的部门和国家。

    Too often , bilateral aid concentrates resources in specific sectors and countries .

  4. 这两个项目在准备过程中获得了大量的双边援助。

    Both projects were prepared with significant bilateral support .

  5. 发展中国家高等教育双边援助的其他关键提供者包括日本和瑞典。

    Other key providers of bilateral aid to HE in the developing world include Japan and Sweden .

  6. 世界银行的融资补充了一般采取实物援助形式的双边援助。

    World Bank financing has been used to complement bilateral assistance , which is often in the form of in-kind aid .

  7. 2012年,华盛顿为柬埔寨卫生、治理、教育和经济发展项目提供了1.213亿美元的双边援助。

    Last year , Washington extended $ 121.3 million in 2012 bilateral assistance for health , governance , education , and economic growth projects .

  8. 归根到底,脆弱或后冲突国家最重要的元素这些国家的人民。但是,要帮助这些人从冲突受害者转而成为经济回复的主要推动者,将需要更有效、更持久的双边援助。

    But it will take much stronger and longer-lasting multilateral assistance to help these people shift from being victims to becoming the principal agents of recovery .

  9. 国际援助主要包括捐助国双边援助、联合国系统的多边援助及非政府组织私人捐助等。

    The international supports include : the donate country 's bilateral support , multilateral support among the United Nations system , and the NGO 's private support .

  10. 消息称,很多选择被考虑,然而没有最终的决议被采纳,但最大的可能性是将采取双边援助。

    Various options were under consideration and no final decision had been taken but the most likely possibility was to offer " bilateral help ," the source said .

  11. 在中国的双边援助(尤其是对非援助)引起外界担忧的情况下,他一直鼓励中国在对外援助方面与国际社会的其它国家进行协调。

    He has encouraged China to co-ordinate its support with that of the rest of the international community , amid concerns over Beijing 's bilateral assistance , especially in Africa .

  12. 就在过去几个月中,我看到了双边援助机构、工作在卫生领域的国际机构以及主要的供资机构思想方面的重要变化。

    In just the past few months , I have witnessed important shifts in the thinking of bilateral aid agencies , international agencies working in health , and major funding agencies .

  13. 但是在目前,对低收入国家的双边援助只有约三分之一具有灵活性,可以用来支付教育卫生领域的经常性费用和投资成本。

    But at present , only about one-third of bilateral aid to low income countries is flexible and can be used to pay for recurrent and investment costs in health and education .

  14. 德国总理默克尔也考虑过德国为希腊提供双边援助的可能性,尽管他坚持称她还没准备好同巴本德里欧讨论援助的事宜。

    The German chancellor , Angela Merkel , has considered the possibility of Germany providing bilateral help to Greece , though she insists she is not yet ready to talk about aid with Mr Papandreou .

  15. 世界粮食计划署等多边组织的食品援助减少了14%,而资金较为雄厚、且往往有强大政治利益维持援助数量的政府对政府双边援助减少了13%。

    Multilateral organisations , such as the WFP , suffered a 14 per cent decline , while bilateral government-to-government aid schemes , with deeper pockets and often a strong political interest in maintaining volumes , fell 13 per cent .

  16. 经过对发展援助资金的审议,欧盟(eu)计划停止向中国、印度、巴西及其他快速增长的经济体提供的所有双边资金援助。

    The European Union is to stop all bilateral aid payments to China , India , Brazil and other fast-growing economies as a result of a review into development spending .

  17. 专家们还建议,IMF向某些国家提供双边技术援助时,可以考虑收取部分费用,不过他们也表示,应谨慎制定收费计划,以确保穷国能够继续受益于IMF的帮助。

    The experts also advised that the IMF consider charging for the bilateral technical assistance it provides to countries , although they said any such charging scheme should be carefully designed to ensure poor countries continued to benefit from IMF help .

  18. 这些双边的援助与朝鲜方面参加第二轮六方会谈没有联系。

    The bilateral assistance has nothing to do with the DPRK 's participation in the second round of Six-Party Talks .

  19. 相比双边发展援助,多边发展援助具有很多优势,例如透明度较高,所含国家私利更少,方便发展中国家更好地利用援助。

    Compared with bilateral ODA , multilateral ODA boasts its great advantages and functions , such as higher transparency , less state interests .

  20. 萨科齐总统说,还将通过双边和其他援助方式给这两国另外两百亿美元。

    President Sarkozy said another $ 20 billion was available to the two countries in bilateral assistance and other aid .

  21. 第五,双边和多边援助机构必须共同努力,简化程序,降低业务成本。

    Fifth , multilateral and bilateral donors must work together to simplify their procedures and reduce the cost of doing business .