
  • 网络Double auction
  1. 一种激励相容的发电权交易双边拍卖机制

    An Incentive Compatible Double Auction Mechanism of Generation Rights Trade

  2. 连续双边拍卖中基于模糊逻辑的议价策略

    A Fuzzy-Logic Based Bidding Strategy in Continuous Double Auction

  3. 网上双边拍卖机制设计及其实现

    Design of Mechanism for Online Double Auctions : Theory and Implementation

  4. 基于双边拍卖模型的易变质品供应链协作研究

    Study on the Supply Chain Coordination of Perishable Items Based on Double Auction

  5. 双边拍卖中线性均衡和一价均衡的效益比较及其改进

    The Benefit Comparison and Improvement of Linear Equilibrium and One-Price Equilibrium in Double Auction

  6. 一种基于双边拍卖的复制优化策略

    Replica optimisation strategy based on continuous double auction

  7. 针对已有基于竞价拍卖的网格资源预留方法存在的问题,提出了一种基于间隔型双边拍卖的网格资源预留算法。

    To approach the problems in the existing auction based grid resource reservation methods , a periodical double auction based grid resource reservation algorithm was presented .

  8. 在资源产权市场中引入拍卖机制(包括在一级市场中的单边拍卖和在二级市场中进行的双边拍卖),论证了通过拍卖市场的引入可实现缺失的产权价值项。

    The auction mechanism has been introduced into the property market ( including a unilateral auction market and a bilateral auction in the secondary market ), which can realize the value of property .

  9. 电力市场双边垄断最优拍卖模型的建立与分析

    An Optimum Auction Model in the Bilateral - Monopolized Power Markets

  10. 双边叫价拍卖中基于粒子群优化的策略学习模型

    Strategic Learning in Sealed-Bid Bargaining Mechanism by Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

  11. 首先给出了资源交易的经济模型:双边叫价拍卖模型;

    Firstly , the resource trading model is described : double auction ;