
ɡuó jì yuán zhù
  • international aid
  1. 海啸发生后,该国紧急请求提供国际援助。

    That country made an urgent request for international aid after the tsunami happened .

  2. 她说,美国将支持增加国际援助,支持由世界银行(worldbank)扮演更大角色,还考虑重新向缅甸派驻大使。

    She said the US would support an increase in international aid , a greater role for the world bank and was considering returning an ambassador to the country .

  3. 中国将落实好两年提供20亿美元国际援助的承诺,深化农业、减贫、教育、妇女儿童、气候变化等领域国际合作,助力各国经济社会恢复发展。

    China will honor its commitment of providing $ 2 billion of international assistance over two years , further international cooperation in such fields as agriculture , poverty reduction , education , women and children , and climate change , and support other countries in restoring economic and social development .

  4. 5.滚滚不息pourinto国际援助继续涌入四川。

    International aid continues to pour into Sichuan

  5. 世界银行(worldbank)高级官员昨日称,世行和其它国际援助机构可以与中国进行合作,为非洲开发项目提供融资,但双方在贷款条款和条件方面仍存在很大分歧。

    The World Bank and other aid agencies can co-operate with China to finance development projects in Africa but big differences remain over lending terms and conditions , senior officials warned yesterday .

  6. 为了应对这种情况,乌克兰一直向IMF和援助国寻求国际援助。

    Ukraine has long sought international assistance from the IMF and donor nations in response to this situation .

  7. 听遍美国之社会新闻[4]:一美国援助工作人员在车臣被绑架AnAmericanAidWorkerwasKidnappedinChechnya一美国援助工作人员在车臣被绑架俄罗斯消息:国际援助组织因为一位美国援助人员被绑架而中止了在车臣的工作。

    Russia : International aid groups are suspending ( 1 ) operations in Chechnya after the kidnapping of an American aid worker .

  8. 俄罗斯官员表示国际援助组织没有得到政府的允许擅自进入车臣工作。听音瓶颈词汇1.suspendv.暂停;中止2.denyv.否认;拒绝3.permissionn.允许

    Russian officials say the international aid group did not have government permission ( 3 ) to work in Chechnya .

  9. 发表这个意见的是斯坦福大学Woods环境研究所的JenniferDavis,她还说国际援助项目过于频繁地集中在新的并不可持续的建设项目中。

    Jennifer Davis of Stanford University said international aid projects too often focus on new constructions that are not sustainable .

  10. 而冰岛没有能力(或不愿)及早寻求国际援助,也不希望国际货币基金组织(imf)介入。

    And Iceland was unable or unwilling to arrange early international support , nor did it wish to call in the International Monetary Fund .

  11. 莫桑比克仍然需要国际援助,还没有完全恢复,Baxter说。

    Mozambique still needs international aid and has not fully recovered , says Baxter .

  12. 阿富汗中央银行行长诺拉·德拉瓦莱表示这个国家的GDP增长非常健康,而且承诺的160亿美元的国际援助将会帮到大忙。

    Noorullah Delawari , governor of Afghanistan 's Central Bank , says the country 's GDP growth is healthy and that a pledge of $ 16 billion in international aid will help .

  13. 在他的领导下,英国对外援助占国内生产总值(gdp)的比例已有稳步提高;而且,他一贯强烈支持向非洲提供更多、更好的国际援助。

    Under his leadership , the UK has steadily increased the share of its gross domestic product devoted to foreign aid ; and he has been a strong and consistent advocate of more and better international aid to Africa .

  14. 欧洲央行(ECB)昨日公布,作为国际援助计划的一部分,它已买入165亿欧元的欧元区国债。目前投资者越来越担心这一干预行动的力度尚不足以稳定债务市场。

    The European Central Bank yesterday revealed it had bought € 16.5bn of eurozone government bonds as part of the global rescue plan , amid growing concern among investors that the intervention is not yet big enough to stabilise debt markets .

  15. 人民日报报道称,过去的五年内,20岁的HannahSteinberg捐赠了价值10多万美元的食品和物料给救济站,医院和国际援助组织。

    Over the past five years , Hannah Steinberg , 20 , has donated more than $ 100000 in food and supplies to shelters , hospitals and international aid organizations , People reports .

  16. G8峰会还重申了相关计划,在2010年之前增加500亿美元的国际援助,其中至少250亿美元用于非洲,以消除人们对他们违背承诺的担心。

    G8 also upheld their plan to increase aid by $ 50bn by 2010 , of which at least $ 25bn would go to Africa , in an attempt to allay fears they were backsliding on their commitments .

  17. Schaaf表示,由于战争,干旱和洪水,索马里人民几乎完全依赖国际援助。

    Schaaf said people in Somalia have become almost completely dependent on international aid because of the fighting , the drought and flood .

  18. 世界银行驻索马里的国别业务官员PriyaGajraj说,在这漫长的一年当中,地方社区在没有外部国际援助的情况下,保持了卫生所的运转。

    And for that long year , Priya Gajraj , the World Bank 's country officer for Somalia , says the local community kept the doors of its health clinic open & without outside international assistance .

  19. 为索马里复苏和发展提供国际援助的行为守

    Code of Conduct for International Rehabilitation and Development Assistance to Somalia

  20. 该基金会还声称是西方八国集团的政府首次用国际援助预算与独立的非营利机构联系起来。

    An independent , not-for-profit organisation with its international assistance budget .

  21. 国际援助项目农村水厂运行现状调查

    Investigation of Rural Water Plants Constructed with International Support Projects in China

  22. 有时,国际援助机构不能使用正规的投标程序。

    There are times when the agencies cannot use normal tendering procedures .

  23. 我们还需要你们提供的国际援助。

    We also need your support at the international level .

  24. 如果没有国际援助,这些贷款就无法展期。

    These loans cannot be rolled over without international aid .

  25. 联合国协调选举领域国际援助会议

    United Nations Conference on Coordination of International Assistance in the Electoral Field

  26. 中非共和国的总统呼吁国际援助。

    The president of Central Africa Republic is calling for international help .

  27. 计划同时也号召更多的国际援助和外国资助。

    It also urges more international assistance and foreign aid .

  28. 所有大规模的国际援助行动即将结束。

    All massive international aid efforts have been wrapping up .

  29. 大量津巴布韦人真正需要国际援助。

    A significant number of Zimbabweans have got genuine international protection needs .

  30. 他们紧急请求国际援助。

    They 've made an urgent request for international aid .