
  1. 文章从经济全球化和国际资本转移的机遇,基础产业通江达海的布局要求,良好的市场空间基础等方面分析了江苏省沿江基础产业带建设的背景和机遇;

    This paper analyses the background and opportunities of constructing the international basic industrial belt .

  2. 依据国际资本转移特征和沿长江资源开发特征、产业发展基础等,江苏长江沿江地区适合建设国际化基础产业带。

    According to the characteristics of international capital transfer and of the development of Yangtze River resource and industry foundation , it is adapted to construct the international heavy industrial belt along the Yangtze River area of Jiangsu Province .

  3. 对外直接投资是指企业以跨国经营的方式所形成的国际间资本转移。

    Foreign direct investment refers to the international capital transfers between enterprises to multinational operations .

  4. 国际制造业资本转移通常会带来较本土更高的产业技术水平,如果本土企业能够与国际制造业资本形成产业配套,将有助于本土企业技术水平的提高,有利于形成自主产业创新能力。

    The transfer of international manufacturing capital can usually bring higher technology for the local ~ industries . It is helpful to enhance the technology of local firms and formulate independent innovative capacity , if they can form industrial linkage with the international manufacturing capital .

  5. 本文首先对国际产业资本的国际转移基础、机理、一般规律等进行分析,然后提出了南京优化利用国际产业资本资源的措施和建议。

    This paper analyses the base , principle , and law of international industrial capital , and then give some suggestion .

  6. 二战后,特别是60年代以来,以跨国公司为主体的国际间的生产资本转移取代了以货币资本为主要特征的资本输出,日益成为国际资本运动的主要形式。

    Since World War II , especially since the 1960 's , chiefly due to multi-national corporations , the international transfer of production capital has replaced currency as the major form of capital export , and has become the major form of the movement of international capital .

  7. 世界经济强国和地区经济的衰退,造成国际资本流动性短缺,国际产业资本转移意愿和能力下降,全球范围内资本投资收缩,将导致国际投资大幅下降。

    The economic of the developed countries and regional is recessing , resulting in a shortage of international capital fluidity ; the ability of the international transfer of industrial capital decreasing in a global contraction of capital investment will lead to a substantial decline in international investment .