
  • 网络bilateral negotiation;bilateral talk
  1. 目前,日韩FTA协定已进入了双边谈判的关键阶段。

    Currently , the agreement of Japan-Korea FTA has already come to the key stage of the bilateral negotiation .

  2. 多智能体代理下电力双边谈判中的模糊贝叶斯学习模型

    A Fuzzy Bayesian Learning Model in Agent-based Electric Power Bilateral Negotiation

  3. 本文介绍了连续双边谈判模型中Agent所使用的议价策略,该策略使用启发式规则和模糊推理机制适应了交易信息的不完整性和交易环境的不确定性。

    This paper proposes a bidding strategy for Agent in continuous double auction . The strategy uses fuzzy rules and fuzzy reasoning to cope with incompleteness of information and uncertainty of trading environment .

  4. Park表示,美国与平壤举行双边谈判,可能也有助于减轻许多韩国人对于美国政府处理朝鲜核问题方式的不满。

    Mr Park said holding bilateral talks with Pyongyang would also help assuage many South Koreans ' unhappiness about the way Washington was dealing with the North Korean nuclear problem .

  5. 彼特森说,关于重点WTO成员之间已在进行的双边谈判及其它谈判的进展情况,政府近来还没有与他沟通。

    Peterson said he has not been briefed recently by the bush Administration on the status of the bilateral and other talks that have been taking place among key WTO members .

  6. 通过对该法规与WTO规则的冲突与协调进行的分析,可以看出在双边谈判的基础上实施的该法规是富有创造性的单边贸易限制措施。

    This article tries to , by analyzing the conflicts and harmonization between WTO law and such regulation , examine this creative unilateral trade restriction implemented on the basis of bilateral negotiations .

  7. 一些政治分析人士表示,平壤正在玩一场政治冒险策略游戏,其主要矛头指向美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama),以促使他启动美朝双边谈判。

    Some political analysts have argued Pyongyang is playing a game of brinkmanship aimed primarily at Barack Obama , the US president , trying to manoeuvre him into bilateral talks .

  8. 朝鲜从2003年开始与乔治布什(GeorgeW.Bush)政府进行了断断续续的谈判,但一般是在六方会谈的背景下,而不是其一直渴望的双边谈判。

    North Korea had been talking to the administration of George W. Bush on and off from 2003 but generally in the context of six-party talks , not bilaterally as it craves .

  9. 随着多边和双边谈判有效地拆除了传统的关税、数量限制等贸易壁垒,非关税壁垒形式,特别是发达国家严格的动植物卫生检疫(SPS)措施,日益引起各国的关注。

    As tariff barriers and other forms of border protection are progressively dismantled as part of the on-going multilateral and unilateral trade liberalization initiatives , the non-tariff protectionist barriers , especially the SPS measures by developing countries has drawn many attentions .

  10. 两目标双边谈判的动态模型

    An Analytical Process Model for Bilateral Negotiation with Two Issues

  11. 英国有必要同数十个国家立即进行双边谈判。

    Britain would swiftly have to negotiate bilateral deals with dozens of countries .

  12. 但中国更喜欢的做法是与其他各方进行双边谈判。

    China prefers bilateral negotiations with the other parties .

  13. 在世贸组织135个成员中,有37个成员要求与中国进行双边谈判。

    Among the 135 WTO members , 37 have requested for bilateral talks with China .

  14. 搁置了10多年的正式双边谈判已重新启动。

    Formal bilateral talks , which had stalled for more than a decade , were resumed .

  15. 这样一来,中国买家们则将目光投向了那些有单一大股东的企业,以便进行双边谈判。

    As a result Chinese buyers prefer targets with a single big shareholder who can negotiate bilaterally .

  16. 美国正对各方施压,敦促他们通过地区性的多边谈判(而非双边谈判)解决纠纷。

    The US is pressuring all those involved to resolve the disputes through regional rather than bilateral negotiations .

  17. 日本官员表示,在三边基础上磋商比与中国进行双边谈判更富有成果。

    Japanese officials say that working on a trilateral basis can be more productive than negotiating bilaterally with China .

  18. 中国致力于同有关国家通过双边谈判、友好协商和平解决南海争议。

    China is committed to peacefully resolving the maritime disputes with relevant countries through bilateral negotiations and friendly consultations .

  19. 在寻求这项目标时,我们不仅要利用双边谈判,还将制定多方参与的地区性行动计划。

    In pursuit of that goal , we will develop regional initiatives with multilateral participation , alongside bilateral negotiations .

  20. 然而,与一家陷入困境的美国公司进行双边谈判跟上市比起来完全是两码事。

    But a bilateral negotiation by with a troubled U.S. company is very different than a stock market listing .

  21. 目前,有关谈判正在加紧进行,全部双边谈判近期将会结束。

    At present , relevant talks are being intensified and all the bilateral negotiations will be put to an end shortly .

  22. 石广生表示,在双边谈判中没有满足的要价,将不可能通过多边谈判获得。

    Shi said the requirements that have not been met in bilateral negotiations are unlikely to be reached through multilateral talks .

  23. 中国在长期采用的忍耐与克制政策,以及通过双边谈判解决争端的事实,却从未被提及。

    The reality of China 's long-standing policy of patience , restraint , and dispute resolution through bi-lateral negotiations is never mentioned .

  24. 日韩邦交正常化并非日韩双边谈判的产物,而是美日韩三国共同努力的结果。

    The normalization is not the result of Japan-ROK negotiations but the product of the joint efforts of America , Japan and ROK .

  25. 然而,这经过深思熟虑的战略意见与财政部和国防部的双边谈判或多或少有点脱节。

    These strategic ruminations have , however , been more or less divorced from the bilateral bargaining between the Treasury and defence ministry .

  26. 正因如此,中国仍在忙着与大宗商品储量丰富的国家展开双边谈判&特别是伊朗以及撒哈拉以南的许多非洲国家。

    This is why China is still busily negotiating bilateral deals with commodity-rich nations , notably Iran and various countries in sub-Saharan Africa .

  27. 各国除了通过双边谈判或者采取贸易报复措施应对贸易纠纷之外,更多的依靠世界贸易组织及其下属机构的调解和裁决来处理贸易争端,世界贸易组织的地位越来越重要。

    Besides bilateral negotiation and taking retaliation , more conflicts are solved by WTO and its subsidiaries . WTO has an increasingly important status .

  28. 所谓的欧盟与伊朗的3+3谈判可以成为美国和伊朗双边谈判的保护伞。

    The so-called Eu3 + 3 negotiations with the Iranians could serve as the umbrella for separate bilateral talks between the US and Iran .

  29. 但我猜想,无论出现这种压力的场合是与美国进行的双边谈判,还是包括欧盟在内的多边谈判,中国都会坚持自己的立场。

    I suspect , however , that this applies whether the forum for that pressure is bilateral discussions with the US or multilateral ones including the EU .

  30. 这一事态是两国关系改善的最新迹象,韩朝在最近举行了两年多来首次双边谈判。

    The development is the latest indication of improving relations between the two nations , which recently held their first bilateral negotiations in more than two years .