
shū miàn tán pàn
  • written negotiation
  1. 在固体制剂的管理,可以书面谈判简短谈判小组。

    After solid preparation , the management may issue a written negotiation brief to the negotiation team .

  2. 它实质上是一种书面谈判形式,与桌面谈判一起推动商务合作的顺利进行。

    Actually , it is a written form of negotiation and , together with face-to-face negotiation , promotes the process of business cooperation .

  3. 书面谈判往往以买方询盘开始,发生询盘是为了了解预购货物的有关信息,包括各种贸易条件。

    Written negotiations often begin with enquires made by the buyers to get information about the goods to be ordered including all the terms of trade .

  4. 本协议是双方就本协议主体达成的全部协议,并取代之前所有口头或书面的谈判、协议或承诺。

    This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties and supersedes all previous negotiations , agreements or commitments , oral or written , with respect to the subject matter hereof .

  5. 审查邀约,从中选择潜在卖方,并与之进行书面合同的谈判。

    Select Sellers-reviewing offers , choosing from among potential sellers , and negotiating a written contract with a seller .