
  1. 电子商务的发展,给我国书业物流发展带来无限增殖的空间,同时也提出了严重的挑战,而且加入WTO后书业物流问题已日益凸现,迫切需要解决。

    The e-commerce development brings advantages and also challenge to Chinese book industry process , especially after entering into WTO .

  2. 我国现代书业物流发展策略举要

    A Research on the Emphasis of the Modern Logistics Strategy of Chinese Book Industry

  3. 电子商务的兴起带给书业物流新的发展机遇,也提出了新的挑战和要求。

    The rises of E-commerce on the industry brings opportunities for the development of the book industry logistics , also has brought new challenges and demands .

  4. 在这个基础上,提出加速发展我国书业物流的战略组合和政策建议。

    On basis of systematic analysis , the thesis tries to provide suggestions on strategy composition and policy to accelerate the progress of publishing Logistics in our country .