
shū xiě zhǐ
  • writing paper
  1. PAC改性阳离子松香胶在书写纸上的应用

    Application of the Cationic Rosin Size Modified by PAC in Writing Paper

  2. 书写纸应用改性AKD中性施胶剂的实践

    Application of the Transform AKD Sizing Agent in Writing Paper

  3. 介绍了改性烷基烯酮二聚体(AKD)中性施胶剂应用于书写纸的施胶工艺及其经济成本核算;

    The sizing technology of the transform AKD sizing agent in writhing paper was introduced , and its cost was calculated .

  4. 相对来说,红麻APMP浆料易于漂白,目前主要应用于抄造印刷书写纸、薄页纸和高白度纸板,应用范围基本同于杨木APMP和商品浆BCTMP。

    Kenaf fiber was relatively easy to bleach , and has potentials for applications similar to aspen APMP or market BCTMP , which is currently used in printing / writing , tissue and high bright paperboard grades .

  5. 实践表明,改性AKD中性施胶剂不仅显著提高和改善了书写纸的质量,而且降低了其施胶成本,从而大大提高了书写纸的经济效益。

    The experience showed that , the application of the transform AKD neutral sizing agent can greatly improve the quality of the writing paper , and reduce the cost of sizing writing paper , thereby enhance the economic benefit of writing paper .

  6. 一种耐用的书写纸,用于记账。

    A durable writing paper used in record books and business ledgers .

  7. 有模糊的网状图案的书写纸。

    Writing paper having a very faint mesh pattern .

  8. 表面有线条水印的书写纸。

    Writing paper having a watermark of fine lines running across the grain .

  9. 用高配比竹浆生产高白度书写纸

    Manufacture of Bamboo Fiber Based High Brightness Writing Paper

  10. 超轻涂书写纸工艺技术的研究

    Study on the Ultra-Light Coating Technology of Writing Paper

  11. 合成干强剂在高级书写纸中的应用

    Application of Synthetic Dry-Strength Additive in Fine Paper Production

  12. 适用于打字机的书写纸。

    Writing paper suitable for use in a typewriter .

  13. 进行了书写纸微量涂布工艺技术的实验室研究和工厂试验。

    Laboratory study and mill trial of mini_coating of writing paper have been carried out .

  14. 他走到他的铺盖卷,拿出一打书写纸。

    He went over to his roll of bedding and drew out a writing pad .

  15. 一种白色、坚韧耐用的优质书写纸,原本用于打印文件。

    A superior quality of strong durable white writing paper ; originally made for printing documents .

  16. 伞干顶榈树的树叶或树叶条,在印度用作书写纸。

    Leaf or strip from a leaf of the talipot palm used in India for writing paper .

  17. 特种纸浆也可以结合木浆使用,来生产轻型和超轻的印刷书写纸。

    Specialty pulps also may be used in combination with woodpulp to produce lightweight and ultra-lightweight printing and writing papers .

  18. 我允许我所有的教师倾斜我书写纸-或者更确切地说,我没有阻止这样做。

    I was permitted by all of my teachers to tilt my writing paper-or rather , I wasn 't prevented from doing it .

  19. 书写纸:表面平滑,经施胶以防止墨水渗入纤维内的纸。

    Writing paper : A kind of paper with a smooth surface , sized to prevent ink from being absorbed into the fibres .

  20. 本实用新型涉及一种文具纸张,尤其是一种可印刷可反复擦写使用的多次书写纸。

    The utility model relates to stationery paper , in particular to printable reusable writing paper capable of being written repeatedly and reused .

  21. 叙述了竹浆特性与高配比竹浆生产高白度书写纸的研发过程。

    This paper discussed the characters of bamboo pulp and the development of high brightness writing paper produced with high proportion of bamboo pulp .

  22. 他用尽全身气力,绞尽脑汁在半张大页书写纸上写下判决词,然后又抄到另外半张纸上。

    With much bodily toil and mental travail he wrote the decree upon half a sheet of foolscap and then copy it upon the other .

  23. 气干纸:手造纸,优质机制书写纸和褐色包装纸在平均温度下让空气把它吹干。

    Air-dry paper : Hand-made and good machine made writing and brown paper , dried slowly by exposure to the air at a uniform temperature .

  24. 主要使用各种涂布原纸、印刷书写纸、胶版纸、牛皮卡纸等。

    The products including here are mainly applied for various coating primitive paper , printing paper , hectograph papers , cowskin card paper , and so on .

  25. 结果,那天课间时间,年级里所有的学生聚集在一起,用硬纸板和书写纸给我做了一个号角,还签上了自己的名字。

    At playtime that day , all the students in my grade got together and made me a horn out of cardboard and paper and they all signed it .

  26. 可口可乐公司的总部即位于亚特兰大。该报文章所配的照片展示了写在数页笔记本书写纸上的手写配方列表,包括糖、酸橙汁、香草、焦糖等。

    A photo that appeared with the article shows pages from a notebook with a handwritten list of ingredients such as sugar , lime juice , vanilla and caramel .

  27. 亦有一些是把两种胶囊混合,涂于同一纸面上。这样,普通的高级打字纸或书写纸也可以用作面纸。

    Types are also available in which the two capsules are found in one sheet so that they can be used with normal Bank and Bond papers as top sheets .

  28. 所述的多次书写纸由基纸层、印刷标识层和擦写层组成,在印刷标识层上压覆有擦写层。

    The reusable writing paper consists of a substrate paper layer , a printing mark layer and a writing layer , and the printing mark layer is covered with the writing layer .

  29. 该文阐述了以涂布纸,未涂布的印刷书写纸,卫生纸废纸生产的脱墨废纸浆的流程改进,新的工艺设备以及控制脱墨浆成本的主要因素。

    This paper introduced a modified technology flow chart for the production of deinked pulp from waste coated paper and uncoated printing paper In addition . It was also discussed that the novel pulping equipment and main factors affecting production cost .

  30. 复印机可以复印文件。复印件是在数据处理中,打印或书写在纸上的一种数据文本。

    In data processing , hardcopy is a data file that is printed or written on paper .