
tóu guān
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头冠[tóu guān]
  1. 在Sidmouth狂欢节上,她将拥有专属的彩车、舞服和头冠。

    Charlie will get her own float at the Sidmouth carnival , as well as a ball gown and tiara , according to the Sidmouth Herald .

  2. 加兰:在你丈夫拍摄的纪录片《埃尔顿·约翰的脾气与头冠》(EltonJohn:TantrumsandTiaras)里,我看到你妈妈说“我想你爸爸不是那么喜欢你”时,惊得我几乎从椅子上跌下来。

    PG : I nearly fell off my chair during your husband 's documentary about you ( " Elton John : Tantrums and Tiaras " ) , when your mother says : " I don 't think your father loved you very much . "

  3. 不要买头冠——向英国女王借一个

    Don 't buy a tiara - borrow one off the Queen

  4. 在它们的头冠上长着白色的羽毛。

    They have a crest of white feathers on their heads .

  5. 美洲野鸭雄性的头冠为白色。

    American widgeon the male of which has a white crown .

  6. 与婚纱搭配的头冠、花束和项鍊都是用融化的糖制成。

    Her crown , bouquet and necklace were made from caramelized sugar .

  7. 当他们采取的把你的头冠?

    When they take that crown off your head ?

  8. 欧洲戴菊鸟,黄色的头冠上有黑边点缀。

    European kinglet with a black-bordered yellow crown patch .

  9. 他是唯一一个戴着这种头冠的骑士是吗。

    And he is the only knight ever drove kind in such crest .

  10. 有红色头冠象金翅雀的小雀鸟。

    Small siskin-like finch with a red crown .

  11. 侧尾腺口小,相隔很近。雄虫的头冠与头区等宽,头区很低、光滑或有2条不明显的环纹。

    Male head region low and wide , smooth or with two indistinct annules .

  12. 有黑色头冠的褐灰色小莺。

    Small brownish-gray warbler with a black crown .

  13. 有背鳍和头冠、体重的爬行动物;产于晚古生代。

    Heavy-bodied reptile with a dorsal sail or crest ; of the late Paleozoic .

  14. 如果你对鳄鱼皮手袋兴味索然,就试试水钻头冠吧。

    If you 're not tempted by the alligator handbags , try a rhinestone tiara .

  15. 姐姐帮她卷发,套上长长的金色假发,然后再戴上一个亮闪闪的头冠。

    Her sister curled her hair and put in blond extensions and a sparkly Tiara .

  16. 以歌唱著名的美洲戴菊鸟,其雄鸟有红色头冠。

    American kinglet with a notable song and in the male a red crown patch .

  17. -玫瑰,头冠,舞会礼服和…

    Roses and tiaras and ball gowns and

  18. 这是凯特王妃第三次佩戴头冠。

    It will only be the third time Kate has been seen in a tiara .

  19. 头冠为黑白相间的条纹的雀鸟。

    Finch with black-and-white striped crown .

  20. 广泛分布于欧洲的山雀,其翅膀、尾巴和头冠为明亮的钴蓝色。

    Widely distributed European titmouse with bright cobalt blue wings and tail and crown of the head .

  21. 洞穴里盘踞着一条恶蛇,它的头冠和身上的鳞片象金子似地熠熠发光。

    In the cave lurked a horrid serpent with a crested head and scales glittering like gold .

  22. 如果你将你的头冠稍微倾斜一点,你会成为一个很好的女人。

    You 'd be a wonderful woman if you 'd just let your Tiara slip a little .

  23. 这次凯特王妃有可能选择佩戴威廉的母亲、威尔士王妃戴安娜的斯宾塞头冠。

    Kate could choose the Spencer Tiara which belonged to William 's mother Diana , Princess of Wales .

  24. 雄性孔雀;有头冠和大的扇形尾巴,尾巴上有彩虹般的眼状花斑。

    Male peafowl ; having a crested head and very large fanlike tail marked with iridescent eyes or spots .

  25. 雄虫头冠低,侧唇长耳状且大,两端内侧与中唇融合;

    The male has a low cap , with large , ear-shaped lateral lips fused with the medial lips on each side .

  26. 王室的女性成员需要穿晚礼服并且佩戴头冠——头冠通常是女王借给她们的。

    Female members of the royal family dress in evening gowns and wear tiaras - often loaned to them by the Queen .

  27. 近年来,游客通过预约能够攀登到底座的顶部和头冠部。

    Visitors are able to climb to the top of the pedestal and the crown in recent years by making a reservation .

  28. 那你们就有座位可以放头冠啊什么的。

    Phoebe : Oh , well , then you 'll have extra seats , you know , for all your tiaras and stuff .

  29. 美洲温暖地区有头冠的大型树栖猎鸟,长腿长尾;猎用和食用价值均非常高。

    Large crested arboreal game bird of warm parts of the Americas having long legs and tails ; highly esteemed as game and food .

  30. 她会在公共场合穿牛仔裤,更喜欢硕大的天然彩石项链与图案抽象的银项链,而不是钻石头冠或是黄金首饰。

    She wears jeans in public , and chooses chunky strings of natural stones and abstract silver necklaces over diamond tiaras or gold parures .