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  • 网络Mother of Pearl;Mother-Of-Pearl;nacre
  1. 镶嵌珍珠母的檀木床

    Rosewood couch with inlay of mother of pearl

  2. 珍珠母粉在250~370℃之间不存在明显的失重。

    But from 250 to 370 ℃ there is no distinctive stage on the curve of nacre mother of pearl powder .

  3. 杰尼亚(ErmenegildoZegna)新推出的PassionforSilk系列包括了缀珍珠母纽扣的经典款夹克(售价1090英镑),把它用来与裤子(售价900英镑)以及印花丝绸衬衣(售价880英镑)相搭配。

    Ermenegildo Zegna 's new Passion for Silk range includes sharply tailored jackets with mother-of-pearl buttons ( £ 1090 ) , matching trousers ( £ 900 ) and print silk shirts ( £ 880 ) .

  4. 基于珍珠母堆垛微结构复合材料力学特性

    Mechanics Properties of Composite Materials Based on Stacked Microstructure of Nacre

  5. 衬衫上是真正的珍珠母纽扣,好吗

    those are real mother-of-pearl buttons on the shirts , okay ?

  6. 镶嵌珍珠母雕龙檀木椅

    Rosewood chair carved dragon design inlaid with mother of pearl

  7. 许久以来,我爱上你阳光晒过的珍珠母的身体。

    A long time I have loved the sunned mother-of-pearl of your body .

  8. 结果:清开灵注射液及珍珠母水解液中都存在游离和结合两种状态的钙;

    Results : Both the content of dissociative and combinative calcium were determined ;

  9. 珍珠母水解提取氨基酸工艺的初步研究

    Technique of hydrolytic extraction of amino acid in nacre

  10. 珍珠母,金属,陶瓷也是西装纽扣的一些类型。

    Mother-of-pearl , metal , or ceramics are other types of button for Mens suit .

  11. 珍珠母贝的广泛用途

    Wide Uses of Pearl Oyster

  12. 氯乙酸水解机理探讨珍珠母水解提取氨基酸工艺的初步研究

    A Study of Hydrolytic Mechanism of Chloroacetic Acid Technique of hydrolytic extraction of amino acid in nacre

  13. 有些珍珠母的外壳上面带一条一条的淡青色线纹,线纹尽头处有些发亮。

    Some of these shells were furrowed with flaky , greenish bands that radiated down from the top .

  14. 唱片从唱片模板或母带压制出来的唱片珍珠母制圆片(不包括纽扣坯料)

    A phonograph record pressed from a master mold or matrix . disc , of mother-of-pearl ( excl. button blanks )

  15. 别的珍珠母,表面上粗一点,黑一点,有十岁以上的年龄了,宽大可以到十五厘米。

    The others had rugged black surfaces , measured up to fifteen centimeters in width , and were ten or more years old .

  16. 彩色的浮油;看起来像珍珠母一样光芒四射的云彩;乳白色的、像珍珠一样的光泽。

    An iridescent oil slick ; nacreous ( or pearlescent ) clouds looking like mother-of-pearl ; a milky opalescent ( or opaline ) luster .

  17. 我自己确实拥有一对珍珠母椭圆形古董袖扣,上面镶嵌了一整块钻石,我非常喜欢,因为款式非常简洁。

    I did own an antique pair of mother-of-pearl ovals set with a single diamond that I loved very much because they were simple .

  18. 杂色小纹贝,所谓珍珠母的两片介壳差不多相等,壳作圆环形,壳壁很厚,外表很粗,凹凸不平。

    The shellfish Meleagrina , that womb for pearls whose valves are nearly equal in size , has the shape of a round shell with thick walls and a very rough exterior .

  19. 有五款镶有各种装饰物、不同设计样式的超薄翻盖式手机供你选择。装饰物包括黑色和白色蓝宝石水晶、黄金、钻石和珍珠母&手机价格从6500美金到13400美金不等。

    Choose from five different slim , flip design styles with varying embellishments , including black and white sapphire crystals , gold , diamonds and mother-of-pearl – they range from $ 6,500 to $ 13,400 .

  20. 伊福买的第一个手袋(35年前去英格兰旅行时买的)是一个小巧的皮制手袋,它的龟甲薄片嵌以珍珠母花饰,是件德国货,年代大约在1820年。

    The first bag Ivo ever bought ( 35 years ago on a trip to England ) was a small leather style , its tortoise-shell flap inlaid with mother-of-pearl flowers , that turned out to be German , circa 1820 .

  21. 该餐厅名为“Ithaa”,在马来语中意为“珍珠之母”。餐厅提供壮观的180度全景景观,今年被《纽约每日新闻》评为了“全球最美餐厅”。

    Rated ' the most beautiful restaurant in the world ' by the New York Daily News this year , Ithaa - meaning ' mother of pearl ' in the Maldivian language of Dihevi - offers breathtaking 180-degree panoramic views .

  22. 珠母贝属(Pinctada)的一些种类是生产海水珍珠的重要母贝,个别种类已濒临灭绝。

    Some species in the genus Pinctada are important resources for the pearl industry , but some of them are on the verge of extinction .

  23. 关于珍珠或珍珠母,或与之相似,或由其装饰。

    Relating to or resembling or made of or adorned with pearls or mother-of-pearl .

  24. 深色贝壳的珍珠状内部是珍珠母的来源。

    The pearly lining of the dark shells is a source of mother-of-pearl .

  25. 珍珠粉、珍珠层粉、珍珠母粉的热重及热重动力学

    Thermogravimetry and TG Kinetics of Pearl Powder , Pearl Nacre Powder and Nacre Mother of Pearl Powder

  26. 采用热重及热重动力学方法,分别研究珍珠粉、珍珠层粉和珍珠母粉的热分解过程及其反应机理。

    The thermo decompositions and mechanisms of pearl powder , pearl nacre powder and nacre mother of pearl powder were studied through thermogravimetry and TG kinetics .