
zhēn ɡuì wén wù
  • precious cultural relics;valuable historical relics
  1. (二)盗窃珍贵文物,情节严重的。

    Stealing precious cultural relics and the circumstances are serious .

  2. 采用硅橡胶做模具复制珍贵文物

    Duplicate Precious Cultural Relics with Silicious Rubber Die

  3. 我国许多珍贵文物被帝国主义掠走了。

    Many of our cultural treasures have been plundered by imperialists .

  4. 大批珍贵文物得到全面保护。

    Large numbers of rare cultural relics have been put under full protection .

  5. 各殿墙壁绘有题材丰富的壁画,宫内还存有大量珍贵文物。

    Enormous precious historical relics and frescos on various themes are kept in the building .

  6. 盗运珍贵文物出口或者进行文物投机倒把活动情节严重的;

    Serious cases of smuggling valuable cultural relics out of thecountry or speculating in cultural relics ;

  7. 泰山有许多高峰深谷和丰富的古代珍贵文物。

    Mount Taishan aBounds in lofty peaks , deep valleys and rare cultural relics of the ancient times .

  8. 盛世藏珍国家珍贵文物征集成果展地理环境决定论是人类优秀文化遗产

    Achievements in the Solicitation of Precious Cultural Relics Determinism of Geographic Environment is Precious Cultural Heritage of the World

  9. 北京大学发现12世纪日本的重要历史人物平清盛的珍贵文物&泥金写本《阿弥陀经》。

    A precious relics attributable to Taira Kiyomori an important figure of the 12th century Japan was found recently in Beijing University .

  10. (四)盗掘古文化遗址、古墓葬,并盗窃珍贵文物或者造成珍贵文物严重破坏的。

    Excavating a site of ancient culture or ancient tomb and robbing valuable cultural relics therein , or causing serious damage to such relics .

  11. 我国许多珍贵文物被帝国主义掠走了。大批珍贵文物得到全面保护。

    Many of our cultural treasures have been plundered by imperialists . Large numbers of rare cultural relics have been put under full protection .

  12. (四)国家工作人员玩忽职守,造成珍贵文物损毁或者流失,情节严重的。

    Serious damage of , or serious losses to valuable cultural relics caused by the dereliction of duty on the part of state personnel .

  13. 保护和利用好祖国珍贵文物,是我们义不容辞的责任和义务。

    It is our unshakable responsibility and obligation to protect and make good use of the rare and precious cultural relics of the motherland .

  14. 将私人收藏的珍贵文物私自卖给外国人的,以盗运珍贵文物出口论处。

    Those who sell valuable cultural relics in private collections to foreigners without permission are punishable for smuggling valuable cultural relics out of the country .

  15. 它们不仅是具有珍贵文物价值的文献,还是丁玲精神的原型记录,是学习丁玲精神的又一部生动教材。

    They are not only valuable cultural relics but also an original record of Ding Ling 's spirit and a lively text to study Ding Ling .

  16. 国家保护名胜古迹、珍贵文物和其他重要历史文化遗产。

    The state protects places of scenic and historical interest , valuable cultural monuments and relics and other important items of China 's historical and cultural heritage .

  17. 各地海关要加强对文物出入境的监管工作,防止珍贵文物流失。

    Customs of all localities should step up supervision and control over exit and entry cultural relics and guard against losses of rare and precious cultural relics .

  18. 这是研究我国古代天文学史的一件珍贵文物,是迄今发现的关于二十八宿全部名称的最早的文字记载。

    This box is a rare relic of great value for research into ancient Chinese astronomy as it is the earliest written record of moon phases yet found in China .

  19. 中国,作为文物大国,也由于战争劫掠、偷盗走私、非法交易等原因,使大量的珍贵文物流失海外。

    Especially for China , because of war booty , stealing , smuggling , illicit trade and so on , a mass of national treasures lost all over the world now .

  20. 首都博物馆展出了许多考古研究所发掘的珍贵文物,包括各种青铜器、玉器、瓷器、陶俑、金银器等。

    Many precious cultural relics excavated by the institute are exhibited at Capital Museum including a variety of bronze , jade and porcelain articles , as well as pottery and gold and silver vessels .

  21. 中国社科院考古研究人员在大昌一带发现大批珍贵文物,初步推断大昌可能为古代巴人都城。

    The archeologists from the Chinese Academy of Social Science have found a large number of precious cultural relics , from which they infer that Dachang might be the capital of the ancient Ba people .

  22. 《布施锡兰山佛寺碑》的完整发现,不仅是中国和斯里兰卡两国友好交往的历史见证,而且是研究郑和少有的珍贵文物。

    The discovery of the Donation Stele of Ceylan Buddha is a historic evidence of friendship between China and Srilank , the donation stele itself is a rare cultural relic for the study of Zheng He .

  23. 这些珍贵文物无不折射出楚文化的熠熠光辉,并向人们昭示着几千年前繁华的楚都荆州,以及楚人在以漆器为代表的工艺美术方面的高超水平。

    All these precious relics of chu culture reflects light shining , and to the people of all for thousands of years , and the way of chu state in lacquerwork represented in art and craft skill level .

  24. 二十世纪五十年代以来,配合基本建设进行了大量的考古发掘工作,大批珍贵文物相继面世,其中包括大量宋元时期的戏曲文物。

    From 1950s , large amounts of archaeological and excavating work coordinating the basic construction have been done , and many valuable cultural relics are unearthed , including a large number of operatic relics of the Song-Yuan period .

  25. 在1974年的一次修复工程中于木塔中发现大量珍贵文物,其中包括一幅药草图以及一些佛教经卷,均属辽代。

    During a repair project in 1974 a number of important and valuable cultural relics were found in the pagoda , including a picture of medicinal herbs and some Buddhist scriptures , all belonging to the Liao Dynasty .

  26. 故宫保存有大量珍贵文物,达92万件以上,是中国也是世界上现存规模最大、最完整的古代木结构宫殿建筑群。

    There are over 920 , 000 pieces of valuable historical relics stored in the Imperial Palace . It is the largest and most complete ancient wooden architectural complex among the existing ones in China and in the world .

  27. 馆内收藏各类珍贵文物达12万多件,包括青铜器,陶瓷器,书法,绘画,佛像雕塑,玉器,钱币,玺印等21个门类。

    The museum keeps a collection of over 120 thousand pieces of precious cultural relics in 21 categories such as bronze ware , ceramics , calligraphy works , paintings , buddhist sculptures , jade ware , coins and imperial seals .

  28. 从1933年起,中国军民发起了一场前所未有的文物保护行动。他们不畏日本飞机的狂轰滥炸,把三万多箱珍贵文物从北京安全转移到了四川当时的抗日大后方。

    From 1933 onwards , a group of Chinese soldiers and civilians carried out an unprecedented mission to preserve Chinese cultural relics . They braved Japanese air raids and moved over 30,000 crates of precious cultural relics to the home front of Sichuan Province .

  29. 作为公共文化服务体系中的重要组成部分,博物馆在珍贵文物遗迹的保护、在公共文化服务的提供,在国民综合素质的提高,在激发爱国热情、凝聚民族精神方面有着无可替代的作用。

    As an important component of public cultural service system , museum plays an irreplaceable role in the conservation of valuable cultural relics and vestiges , offering of public cultural services , improvement of the overall quality of nationals , stimulation of patriotic enthusiasm and gathering of national spirit .

  30. 这些珍贵的文物属于中国。

    These valuable cultural relics belong to China .