
zhēn xī dòng wù
  • rare animal
珍稀动物[zhēn xī dòng wù]
  1. 百色水利枢纽库区珍稀动物资源的保护

    Rare Animal Resources in Baise Water Control Reservoir Zone and Its Protecting design

  2. 抚州市的珍稀动物资源

    Valuable and Rare Animal Resources of Fuzhou Municipal Area

  3. 我听说这麋鹿可是一种珍稀动物。

    I heard the elk is a rare and valuable animal .

  4. 如今我们的政府制订了珍稀动物保护法。

    Today our government made a law to protect unusual animals .

  5. 大熊猫是世界上最珍稀动物的一种。

    The giant panda is one of the world 's rarest animals .

  6. 国会通过了一项法令,禁止捕杀珍稀动物。

    Parliament has passed an Act forbidding the killing of rare animals .

  7. 这儿到底有多少种珍稀动物呢?

    How many kinds of rare animals are there here ?

  8. 珍稀动物保护资源居全国第2位。

    Its rare and protected fauna species rank the2nd nationwide .

  9. 这位科学家在他那本有关珍稀动物的著作中有独创见解。

    The scientist broke new ground in his book about rare animals .

  10. 居住着中国的珍稀动物野生长臂猿群

    is one of the few remaining wild gibbon populations in China .

  11. 一种人们极少看到的野生珍稀动物。

    A rare creature that few people have seen in the wild .

  12. 盐城沿海珍稀动物保护与经济发展的关系

    The Relationship between the Rare Animals and the Economic Development

  13. 今天看了那么多珍稀动物我真是心满意足。

    I am satisfied that I have seen so many rare animals today .

  14. 中国珍稀动物多媒体信息系统的开发

    Development of Multimedia Database of the Chinese Rare Animal

  15. 船长卖珍稀动物赚了不少钱哪。

    Skipper get big money for rare animal .

  16. 又是一种珍稀动物。

    So they are also a rare animal .

  17. 野生动物管理可分成珍稀动物管理、经济动物管理和普通动物管理。

    Wildlife management includes management of rare animals , economic animals and normal animals .

  18. 这些珍稀动物可能不久就会全部灭绝。

    These rare animals may soon disappear altogether .

  19. 动物园可以长期保存许多珍稀动物物种。

    The zoos can preserve for the long-term many rare and precious animal species .

  20. 本文对盐城沿海珍稀动物保护与经济发展的关系进行了探讨。

    This paper discussed the relationship between the rare animals and the economic development .

  21. 珍稀动物有白鹤、黑熊、豹子和虎。

    Among the rare animals are cranes , black bears , leopards and Siberian tigers .

  22. 中国大鲵是中国的一种特有珍稀动物。

    Andrias davidianus is a special product and one of the rare animals of China .

  23. 一些消失多年的珍稀动物,又开始重返家园。

    Rare animals that had not been seen for many years have returned to their habitats .

  24. 公园里有许多珍稀动物、树木及其他植物,其中一些是濒危物种。

    It has many rare animals , trees and plants . Some of them are endangered .

  25. 惨案发生在一个专门用来拍电影和电视秀而设的珍稀动物培训设施里。

    It happened at a training facility for exotic animals used in movies and TV shows .

  26. 此外,人们还应制定一些法律禁止捕杀珍稀动物。

    In addition , some laws to forbid any hunting of rare animals should be passed .

  27. 在世界上任何其他地区,你能找到这种珍稀动物大熊猫作为。

    In no other region in the world can you find such rare animals as giant pandas .

  28. 在中国越来越多的人投身于挽救珍稀动物的运动中。

    More and more people in China enter upon the campaign of saving rare animals out extinction .

  29. 介绍了中国珍稀动物多媒体信息系统的设计过程、系统结构、功能及特点。

    This paper presents the design process and architecture , functions of multimedia database of the Chinese rare animal .

  30. 大型动物有约、豺、狼等,珍稀动物有虹鳟鱼等。

    Some large animals , jackals , wolves and so on , there are rainbow trout and other rare animals .