
  • 网络janet yellen;Janet L. Yellen
  1. 这就是珍妮特·耶伦现在所处的位置,她有望在明年1月被确认为下一任美联储主席。

    That is the position in which Janet Yellen , who is expected to be confirmed as the next chair of the Federal Reserve Bank ( Fed ) in January , now finds herself .

  2. 该指数屡创新高的节奏正变得跟多伦多市长罗伯·福特(RobFord)每天爆出一条新丑闻一样稳定,不过这周给投资者打强心针的是准美联储主席珍妮特·耶伦(JanetYellen)所做的乐观发言。

    The index minting new records is becoming about as reliable as a new scandal a day from Toronto Mayor Rob Ford , but this week it was optimistic words from the soon-to-be Federal Reserve chairwoman Janet Yellen that precipitated investor confidence .

  3. 珍妮特·耶伦(JanetL.Yellen),美联储主席

    Janet L. Yellen , Federal Reserve chairwoman

  4. 他选择的是现任的副总裁,珍妮特·耶伦。

    The pick is the current vice chairman , Janet Yellen .

  5. 美联储主席珍妮特·耶伦承认,这是一项复杂的任务。

    Fed Chair Janet Yellen concedes it 's a complicated task .

  6. 珍妮特·耶伦正式接管美联储。

    Janet Yellen has officially taken over the reins of the Federal Reserve .

  7. 珍妮特·耶伦以压倒性优势获得参议院批准,成为美国首位女财政部长。

    Janet Yellen has won overwhelming Senate confirmation as the first female U.S. Treasury Secretary .

  8. 美国参议院已确认珍妮特·耶伦将取代本·伯南克,成为美联储新任主席。

    The U.S. Senate confirms Janet Yellen as the first woman to lead the Federal Reserve .

  9. 但联邦高官珍妮特·耶伦去年夏天甚至警告称,就连小型生物科技公司和社会媒体股票看起来某种程度上也已经产生了泡沫。

    Even Fed chief Janet Yellen warned last summer that smaller biotech and social media stocks look somewhat inflated .

  10. 今天,珍妮特·耶伦的提名获得参议院的确认,成为美联储第一位女性主席。

    Janet Yellen was confirmed by the Senate today to be the first woman to head the Federal Reserve .

  11. 美联储主席珍妮特·耶伦称,一些最近的经济数据显示,消费性开支低于预计。

    Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen says some recent economic figures have pointed to weaker consumer spending than had been expected .

  12. 周五,美国联邦储备理事会主席珍妮特·耶伦表示,美联储正严密监视着经济数据,但她对美国经济复苏抱有乐观态度。

    And Friday , Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said the Fed is monitoring economic data , but she expressed confidence about the U.S. recovery .

  13. 美联储主席珍妮特·耶伦表示,就业市场的改善速度远远超过中央银行的预期,但是仍未从五年前的经济衰退中复原。

    Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen says the job market has improved more rapidly than the Central Bank had anticipated but it 's still not fully recovered from the recession which ended 5 years ago .