
  • 网络Source information;Goods
  1. 采用元搜索引擎结构,扩大了搜索范围;应用信息检索、Web挖掘和智能体的相关技术对货源信息进行分析和过滤,提高了专业领域货源信息检索的质量。

    This system adopts meta-search engine to expand search scale , and applies information retrieval , web mining and agent technology to analyze and filter the business information , in order to improve the search quality of business information .

  2. 为验证系统设计效果,开发了一个面向汽车配件领域的货源信息检索试验系统,集成了Google、百度和搜狗三大著名通用搜索引擎。

    In order to verify the design effect , a business information retrieval system has been developed with respect to the domain of auto parts and integrated with three famous GSE : Google , Baidu and Sogou .

  3. 通过计算节点间的条件概率得到查询与文献之间的相似度,并依此对文献排序,提取出了企业所需的货源信息。

    The similarities between documents and query can be evaluated by calculating the conditional probabilities among the nodes .

  4. 电子商务环境中的企业必须超越以往相对狭隘的经营环境,有效地搜集、利用货源信息。

    The enterprises should go beyond the relatively narrow business environment in the past , to collect and use business information effectively .

  5. 随着电子商务在企业网应用中的不断深入,企业需要大量的原材料、供应商、客户和产品等方面的货源信息,并利用这些信息为企业决策提供依据。

    With the intensive EC applications in enterprises , enterprises need more and more business information about raw materials , suppliers , customers and products to support the decision-making on purchase .

  6. 主要内容如下:(1)针对货源信息检索过程中的查全率、查准率低的问题,设计了基于扩展信任度网络的货源信息检索模型。

    The major contents are as follows : ( 1 ) With regard to the problem of low recall and precision in business information retrieval , an extended belief network based business information retrieval model has been proposed .

  7. 利用互联网进行配货信息交流,拓宽了货源信息交流渠道,有助于配载交易形成,在一定程度上降低了空载率,提高了运输效率,无疑是空车配货模式发展的正确方向。

    Freight load matching information communicating with network can widen channel , benefit to transaction , reduce no-load rate to some extent , and improve transport efficiency , which is the correct direction of freight load matching transportation mode .

  8. 考虑货源信息的特征和标引词之间的相互关系对检索结果的影响,该模型采用四层节点的信任度网络模型,应用相似性叙词表扩展用户查询和描述标引词之间的关系。

    Considering the features of business information and effect of relationship among index words to retrieval performance , this model extends the belief network with four layers of nodes , and applies similarity thesaurus to expand the user query and describe the relationship among index words .

  9. 包括两部分:“兆生”公司非专利技术和经营信息:如管理方法,产销策略,客户名单、货源情报等经营信息;

    It is composed of two kinds information , one means non-technology and business information including the management mode , production and marketing strategy , clients information , supply resouces , etc.