
huò wù shuǐ shànɡ yùn shū tiáo jiàn
  • excise tax;excise duty;commodity tax;commodity duty
  1. 我们负责营业税、货物税及菸酒税等业务。

    We are in charge of nm usiness t-ax , commodity tax , tobacco and alcohol tax .

  2. 园区事业以产品或劳务外销者,其营业税税率为零,并免征货物税。

    For export of products or services by a park enterprise , the business tax rate is zero and commodity tax shall be exempted therefore .

  3. 约旦的自由贸易区免收进口税、国内货物税及其它一切税收。

    Jordan 's free trade zone free of import duty , excise tax and all other taxes .

  4. 他建议增加石油进口税与提高烟酒货物税。

    He has suggested imposing an oil import fee and raising excise taxes on liquor and cigarette .

  5. 国产货物税、增值税、进口税以及就业税均由法律加以规定。

    Excise taxes , value added taxes , importation taxes , and employment taxes each subject to different regulations .

  6. 对商品按单位数量征收货物税,一般情况下,会导致市场均衡价格上升,均衡数量减少。

    Generally taxes levied on the amount of articles will result in the rise of equilibrium price and decrease of equilibriun quantity in market .

  7. 但于输入后五年内输往课税区者,应依进口货品之规定,课征进口税捐、货物税及营业税。

    However , the import duties , commodity tax , and business tax shall be collected for those transported to duty-levying areas within five years from the importation .

  8. 按照销售税征收条款和/或货物税各项规定,交由税收专员和/或海关总审计员查验。

    To the Commissioner of Taxation and / or the Comptroller General of Customs under the Sales Tax Assessment Regulations and / or the Customs Regulations and / or the Excise Regulations .

  9. 园区事业自国外输入原料、物料、燃料、半制品、样品及供贸易用之成品免征进口税捐、货物税及营业税。

    The import duties , commodity tax , and business tax shall be exempted for raw materials , supplies , fuels , goods-in-process , samples , and finished goods for trading purposes imported from abroad by park enterprises .

  10. 前项货品再行输往课税区时,应依进口货品之规定,课征进口税捐、货物税及营业税。

    In the case that the goods prescribed in the preceding paragraph are re-transported to duty-levying areas , the import duties , commodity tax , and business tax shall be collected , in accordance with the regulations on imported goods .

  11. 国会拥有下列权力:规定和征收直接税金、间接税、进口税与货物税,以偿付国债、提供合众国共同防御与公共福利,但所有间接税、进口税与货物税应全国统一;

    The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes , duties , imposts and excises , to pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United states ; but all duties , imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United states ;

  12. 关于租赁进口货物减免税问题

    Issues concerning tax exemption and reduction for leased imported goods

  13. 企业出口在开发区生产的产品,除国家限制出口的产品外,免征出口关税、出口货物增值税。

    The foreign-invested enterprises to export their products made in our zone while not export-refrained by the state , can exempted export tax and VAT of export products .

  14. 关税是对进口货物征收的税。

    Customs duties are paid on goods entering the country .

  15. 出口货物免征消费税。

    Exported goods were exempted from the Consumption Tax .

  16. 这些货物免收增值税。

    These goods are exempt form VAT .

  17. 根据新的贸易合同,几种货物免收进口税。

    Under the new trade agreement , the import tariff comes off certain kinds of goods .

  18. 如果我们提高他们货物的进口税,他们可能向我们报复。

    If we raise our import duties on their goods , they may retaliate against us .

  19. 毕竟,欧洲在确立碳价格的同时并没有对美国的进口货物征收边境税,美国似乎也会遵循这种做法。

    After all , Europe set a carbon price without imposing tariffs onAmerican goods , and Americalooks like following its lead anyway .

  20. 指出保证出口货物不含税出口是各国的基本政策;实行零税率是各国实现出口货物不含税的基本方式;

    It shows that the non-tax export is a basic policy of all countries and the ZETR is a basic way to achieve this .

  21. 清廷通过崇文门税务总局对大多数进京货物征收商税,并直接控制了这一重要的商税来源。

    The Tariff Bureau of Chongwenmen , which was under the direct control of the Qing government , collected commodity taxes on moot goods import into Beijing .

  22. 祈祷自由贸易能实现,那么今年夏天东非共同体五国间就能实现货物的无关税贸易了。

    FREE-TRADE fingers crossed , some time this summer goods should start being sold without tariffs across borders within the five countries of the East African Community ( EAC ) .

  23. 买家应付予佳士得之所有款项均不包括任何货物或服务税或其他增值税(不论由香港或别处所徵收)。

    All payments the buyer should pay to Christie do not include any goods or service tax or other value-added tax ( no matter imposed by Hong Kong or elsewhere ) .

  24. 第二块是修订税收实体法体系,主要阐述货物和劳务税、企业所得税和印花税,使实体法适应电子商务。

    The second is the revision of the tax law system , mainly expound the goods and services tax , corporate income tax and stamp tax , make the substantive law to adapt to the electronic commerce .

  25. 在那些征收VAT税务的国家,除了普通的进口关税之外,可能还需要缴纳进口货物的相关增值税。

    VAT also needs to be paid on imports in countries that apply the VAT , along with import duty .

  26. 委员会建议对所有进口货物征收1%的税。

    The Committee recommended a1 % tax on all imports .

  27. 纳税人有向税务机关要求退还出口货物已征增值税、消费税的权利。

    Tax payers have the right to require the refund of paid VAT and consumption tax on export goods form tax authorities .

  28. 前项货物如系应征货物税或烟酒税之货物,其销售额应加计货物税额或烟酒税额在内。

    If the goods referred to in the preceding paragraph are subject to commodity tax or tobacco and alcohol tax , the sales amount shall include the amount of commodity tax or tobacco and alcohol tax .

  29. 申请时限:项目单位应在货物进口前,持齐全有效单证向海关申请办理进出口货物减免税审批手续。

    Time limit for application : project units shall declare to customs with the hold of complete and valid papers and documents for examination and approval formalities for duty reduction or exemption granted for import or export goods before importing the goods .