
  1. 本文拟对广告诈骗罪的客体、客观方面、主体、主观方面四个构成要件进行探讨,并在与一般诈骗罪的比较基础上对本罪进行认定。

    This article plans to discuss the object , the objective aspects , the subject , the subjective aspects , and identify this crime based on the comparison with common crime of swindling .

  2. 而短信业务迅速发展的同时,手机中的垃圾短信也越来越多,大量广告、诈骗性质的垃圾短信令用户深恶痛绝、叫苦不堪。

    At the same time , SMS business developed rapidly , more and more spam messages appeared . There are lots of SMS spam which contain advertising and fraud .

  3. 虚假广告罪与诈骗罪之竞合问题浅探&以电视直销现象为切入

    Analysis on the Coincidence of False Advertising and Crime of Fraud & with TV sales as the starting point

  4. 我国广告犯罪立法的缺陷以及一般诈骗罪所打击诈骗行为的局限促使设立广告诈骗罪成为必要。

    It impels to set the Crime of advertising swindling due to the defect of legislation about the crimes on advertising and the limitation of the cracking down on the swindling acts of common crime of swindling .

  5. 广告犯罪立法之完善&试论制定广告诈骗罪的理由及其构成特征

    The Completion of the Legislation of Advertising Crimes & attempt to discuss the reasons and construction characters of drafting the crime of advertising swindling