- 名crime of counterfeiting a patent

A Discrimination and Question on the Offence of Palming off Patents
On the Objective Conditions for Passing off Patent Crime
Analysis on Object of the Crime of False Patent
Clarifying the Crime of Passing off the Patent
Knotty Problems of Falsifying a Patent
To determine the object of passing off patent crime should not neglect the protection of consumers ' legal right .
The accurate use of legal regulations of passing off patent crime depends on correct understanding of the objective conditions for this crime .
The criminal offence of passing off the patent faces much dispute in theory and practice for its regulation in the specific provisions of the Criminal Law is very general .
For a long time , the clause about the crime of falsifying patents is failed to illustrated fully in our penal code , which resulted in a great deal of dispute in practice as well as in theory .
At present , there exists much divergence of views in defining the offence of palming off patents in the academic circle of criminal law , as well as the irrational points in the stipulation of " The Crime of Palming off Patents " in the criminal law .