
  • 网络fake mortgage;fake mortgage loans
  1. 假按揭贷款非现场排查思路与方法研究

    Research on Ideas and Approaches of Off-site Risk Scanning of Fake Mortgage Loan

  2. 同时,着重对假按揭的涵义特征和表现方式进行讨论研究。

    Meanwhile , focuses on the meaning of " Fake mortgage " discuss features and expression way .

  3. 主要包括:一是假按揭的法律风险。

    Mainly includes : First , false mortgage legal risk .

  4. 对策之一:完善制度,杜绝假按揭对策之二:构建科学的住房抵押贷款资信评估系统。

    The first one is to perfect the system to prevent false residential mortgage loans .

  5. 商品房假按揭是在按揭的基础上衍生的新兴问题。

    Commodity house " Fake mortgage " is on the basis of the mortgage derivatives emerging problems .

  6. 假按揭二重买卖中真实买受人所有权保护研究

    On the Protection of Property of Real Buyer in a Dual Buying-and-selling by Means of Deceptive Mortgage Loan

  7. 有专家指出,重复抵押、假按揭不但让消费者苦不堪言,而且还会影响到整个国民经济。

    Some experts pointed out that duplication mortgage , the mortgage will allow consumers really leave , but also affect the entire national economy .

  8. 因此,在假按揭出现后相关责任人如何归责,以及利害关系人如何防范假按揭问题就显得尤其重要。

    Therefore , in " Fake mortgage " appears after the relevant responsible persons , and how imputation claimants how to prevent fake mortgage problem appears especially important .

  9. 第三章基于前面对假按揭贷款问题产生的原因分析有针对性的提出改进建议。

    The third chapter is based on the analysis of the causes of the problem of targeted recommendations for improvement the earlier of the " fake mortgage " loan .

  10. 针对实践中存在的大量假按揭问题,分析了假按揭的性质、合同的效力、法律责任,针对性提出假按揭的防范措施。

    In practice , the presence of " fake mortgage ", an analysis of " false mortgage " nature , the effectiveness of contracts , liability , targeted " false mortgage " preventive measures .

  11. 二是针对个人住房抵押贷款的信用风险、流动性风险、操作风险、假按揭风险、提前还款风险及抵押物风险等提出了风险防范措施。

    Second , it proposes the solution to prevent the personal housing mortgage loan credit risk , liquidity risk , operational risk , " fake mortgage " risk , prepayment risk and collateral risk .

  12. 本文深入分析了个人住房贷款的风险,如假按揭风险、信用风险、流动性风险等五种风险,并提出了防范风险的对策。

    This text analyses the risk of the personal housing loan in depth , Such five kinds of risks as false mortgage risk , credit risk , liquidity risk , etc. And then proposes five suggestions to precaution the risks .

  13. 然后从银行业监管机构的监管、商业银行自身的防范、相关法律制度的完善三方面分别阐述如何对商业银行假按揭风险进行法律规制。

    Then points out that there are three aspects to regulate the legal risk of commercial banks ' fake mortgage : supervision of banking regulators , commercial banks ' own protection and prevention , the improvement of related legal system .

  14. 住房信贷业务流程中假个人按揭的制度防范

    Systematic Prevention of Cheating Personal Mortgage Loans in Real Estate Credits