
  1. 对易于混淆的受贿罪的共同犯罪与斡旋受贿罪进行了区别。

    Differentiate the co - bribery and the mediate - bribery .

  2. 受贿罪争议问题比较研究斡旋受贿罪独立性探析

    The Comparison and Research on Controversial Problems of the Guilty of Acceptance of Bribes

  3. 斡旋受贿罪研究

    The Study of Mediate and Accept Bribes

  4. 将斡旋受贿罪独立;

    Let me mediate bribery crime independent ;

  5. 并在接下来的文章中,对于受贿罪与斡旋受贿罪的司法认定问题进行了论述。

    In the next article , for Bribes and the good offices of the Crime of bribery are discussed .

  6. 最后,建议单独规定斡旋受贿罪刑罚条款,在刑罚种类方面应增设罚金刑、完善资格刑和废除死刑,充分发挥刑罚的特殊预防功能。

    Finally , we should establish penalty provisions of mediation bribery crime alone , add criminal fine , improve qualification-penalty and abolish death penalty , give full play to the preventive function of the penalty .

  7. 第三,从犯罪对象、犯罪客观方面、犯罪主体和犯罪目的要件等方面对影响力交易罪与我国现行刑法规定的斡旋受贿罪和介绍贿赂罪进行比较。

    Third , it separately compares the trading in influence established by the convention with the crime of bribery-Mediate and the crime of bribery-pander in our criminal law at the aspects of their object , conduct , actor and intent .

  8. 《刑法》第388条中“利用本人职权或地位形成的便利条件”作为斡旋受贿罪构成要件的规定,具有缺陷,应予取消。

    The article 388 in the Criminal Law , which prescribed " by taking advantage of his own functions and powers or position " as a necessary condition of the guilty of mediate acceptance of bribes , has limitations and shall be abolished .

  9. 该部分,笔者介绍了斡旋受贿独立成罪问题的缘起以及现有的两种针锋相对的意见。

    The author introduces the origin of the question and the two opposite opinions .

  10. 由于本罪是新出台的罪名,其犯罪构成要件又与斡旋受贿和受贿罪等其他受贿型犯罪有相似之处,以至于学界和司法实务界对本罪存在很多争议和分歧。

    As this crime is the new counts of its constitutive elements of crime and mediate bribery and bribery and other crimes of taking bribes have similarities , so academic and judicial practice there are many disputes and differences on this crime .

  11. 在我国,斡旋受贿是作为受贿罪的一种特殊表现形式,没有独立罪名。

    In our country , the mediation bribe acceptance is a special expression form of the crime of accepting bribes ;

  12. 笔者认为,独立罪名说虽然论据很多,但它讨论的主要是应然问题而非实然问题;在我国,斡旋受贿是作为受贿罪的一种特殊表现形式,没有独立罪名。

    Though Independent Charge Theory bears many arguments , it discusses not about what it is but mostly about what it ought to be . In our country , the mediation bribe acceptance is a special expression form of the crime of accepting bribes ;

  13. 首先,斡旋受贿行为应单独设置斡旋受贿罪。

    First , mediation bribery should be set mediation bribery crime alone .
