
  • 网络Financial Crime;economic crimes
  1. 媒体巨擘汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)周二宣布,将收购总部位于伦敦、专为各类企业提供金融犯罪和腐败防范信息的World-Check。

    Media giant Thomson Reuters ( TRI ) today announced that it will acquire world-check , a London-based provider of financial crime and corruption prevention information for businesses .

  2. 我国当前金融犯罪的形成原因

    The reason on the financial crime in our country at present

  3. 小说中充满了各类金融犯罪的情节

    The financial crimes dominantly the themes of the novels then .

  4. 甚至连贸易协会(如FinancialServicesRoundtable)也有一些专门检测和打击金融犯罪与滥用的部门。

    Even trade associations , like the Financial Services Roundtable , have units devoted to detecting and countering financial crimes and misuse .

  5. 根据韩国媒体报道,数月以来,首尔中央地方检察厅(seoulcentraldistrictprosecutorsoffice)的金融犯罪部门一直在对上述指控进行调查。

    According to local press reports , the financial crimes unit of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office has been assessing the allegations for months .

  6. 证券交易委员会(SecuritiesandExchangeCommission,SEC)在几周前刚刚宣布将向金融犯罪的匿名告发者发放其史上首笔赏金,这笔5万美元的奖金达到了法定的最高限额,为执法收益的30%。

    As you may know , the Securities and Exchange Commission announced a couple of weeks ago that it will pay out its first-ever bounty of $ 50000 -- 30 % of the amount collected in an enforcement action , which is the maximum allowed by law -- to an anonymous whistleblower who reported financial wrongdoing .

  7. 我国金融犯罪的特征及其防范措施

    The Characteristics and Precautionary Measures of the Financial Crime in China

  8. 当前我国金融犯罪的现状与特点

    Current Situation and Characteristics of Financial Crimes in Our Country at Present

  9. 浅淡金融犯罪的特点及原因

    Talking about the Fe at ures and Reasons of the Financial Crimes

  10. “丑闻!金融犯罪,诡计和震惊美国的腐败”展览。

    Scandal ! Financial Crime , Chicanery and Corruption that Rocked America .

  11. 论网络金融犯罪及侦查对策

    Study on Financial Crimes in Network and Countermeasures in Investigation

  12. 当前金融犯罪的主要特点与对策分析

    Analysis on the Characteristics and Countermeasures of Financial Crime

  13. 金融犯罪案件的特点及其侦防对策

    The Characteristics of Financial Crimes and the Countermeasures of Its Detecting and Preventing

  14. 金融犯罪的特点、原因及其预防

    On Characteristics , Causes and Preventions of Financial Crimes

  15. 城市金融犯罪的特征及预防城市犯罪预防与防卫空间理念

    The property of the municipal financial crime and the precautions against this crime

  16. 我国金融犯罪国际化趋势及其对策

    Financial Crime Internationalization Tendency in China and its Countermeasures

  17. 金融犯罪罪名的完善研究

    On the Consummation of the Financial Crime in China

  18. 渎职型金融犯罪案件特点与侦查对策研究

    Characteristics of malfeasant financial crimes and relevant criminal investigation

  19. 票据诈骗一直是金融犯罪领域的高发案件,其作案手段多样,涉及经济活动环节较多。

    The defrauding crime related to bill always occurred easily in financial field .

  20. 论金融犯罪的刑罚配置

    The Deploy of the Punishment for the Finacial Crime

  21. 该系统的实现对于防范和打击金融犯罪活动,具有重要的现实意义。

    Its realization has the significance for keeping away and striking financial crimes .

  22. 金融犯罪之罪数认定及其处罚原则刍议

    On firmly Believing and Principle of Punishment of List of Crimes in Financial Crime

  23. 《刑法修正案(六)》与我国金融犯罪立法的思考

    Amendments to Criminal Law of PRC ( No.6 ) and Reflection on Financial Crimes'Legislation

  24. 广东金融犯罪现状及趋势研究

    A research on the Status Quo and Trend of Financial Crimes in Guangdong Province

  25. 第四是协助减少金融犯罪。

    Four , helping to reduce financial crime .

  26. 其中,贷款诈骗罪就是这些金融犯罪中比较多发的一种。

    In these kinds of financial crime , Loan Fraud is a common one .

  27. 当前,我国所发生的金融犯罪案件,多数与票据这一重要的金融工具有关。

    At present , financial crimes in our country most connected with commercial bill .

  28. 论城市金融犯罪的特征及其预防

    On the Feature and Prevention of Financial Crimes

  29. 论金融犯罪的概念及构成特征

    Concept of Financial Crime and Its Forming Feature

  30. 金融犯罪立法问题论析&以《刑法修正案》为研究视角

    Analysis on Legislation of Financial Crime : From the Perspective of Criminal Law Amendment