
  1. 左侧的锥体束不发育。面向金字塔型组织结构的秘密共享

    On the Secret Sharing For Pyramidal Structure

  2. 与金字塔型组织架构相比,矩阵式组织架构更有利于银行经济资本管理的有效实施。

    Compared with pyramid institutional structure , matrix institutional structure is more helpful for the effective implement of bank economic capital management .

  3. 介绍了美国高校图书馆的扁平式组织结构,提出我国高校图书馆传统的金字塔型组织结构应借鉴美国高校图书馆的组织结构,以更好地为教学科研服务。

    This paper introduces the flattening organizational structure of American university library , and advances that Chinese university library with the traditional pyramid-type organizational structure should use the flattening organizational structure of American university library for reference in order to provide better service for teaching and scientific research .

  4. 电信企业传统的金字塔职能型组织结构,已经不能适应多变的环境、激烈的竞争。

    The traditional pyramid-type business organization cannot adapt to changing environment , fierce competition .

  5. 随着经营环境的日趋复杂和信息时代的到来,传统的“金字塔”型组织结构在一定程度上已不能满足旅行社求生存和求发展的需要。

    Coming along with the increasingly complicated operation environment and the information age , the " pyramidal " organization structure can 't meet with the need of Chinese travel agencies ' development to some extent .

  6. 企业由传统的金字塔型的组织结构向扁平化结构转变的过程中,有助于信息在企业内部上下、左右的传递,也减少了信息的失真。

    Enterprise have the traditional pyramid structure to flat structure in the process of transformation , really help information in enterprise internal fluctuation , left and right sides of the transmission , and also reduces the information distortion .