
  1. 我代表中国合成橡胶工业协会对江苏金浦集团和KUO集团表示热烈的祝贺。

    On behalf of China Rubber Industry Association , I 'd like to extend my warm congratulations to Jiangsu GPRO Group and Grupo KUO .

  2. 欣闻江苏金浦集团和墨西哥KUO集团丁基橡胶合资项目,今天在南京举行签字活动。

    Glad to hear of the Signing Ceremony held today in Nanjing for the NBR Joint-Venture Project between Jiangsu GPRO Group and Grupo KUO from Mexico .

  3. 墨西哥KUO集团以聪慧的眼光看准了中国市场,并选择了和中国民营企业的佼佼者江苏金浦集团进行合作,是一个明智之举。

    It is a wise decision made by Grupo KUO with its bright vision of putting focus on Chinese market and selecting to cooperate with Jiangsu GPRO , an outstanding private-owned enterprise in China .

  4. 金浦集团结合自己的实际情况和特点,选择了丁腈橡胶作为发展项目,符合国家的产业政策和发展规划。

    Considering its actual conditions and characters , GPRO choose NBR project as its development project , which is in accordance with the National Industrial Policy and development planning .

  5. 在案例分析方面,论文从金浦集团的实际培训状况出发,应用本文提出的弹性培训方法,检验其实际运用中的效果和不足。

    In case analysis , the thesis proceeds from actual training state of Jinpu Group and uses the flexible training method put forward in this text to inspect the result and insufficiency in practice .