- 名Gold exchange standard;gold bullion standard system;gold exchange standard system

Bretton Woods System The Bretton Woods system was a gold-exchange standard .
The whole machinery of gold exchange standard is in the formative stage .
The reserve behind credit issued on gold exchange may or may not contain gold metal along with the paper of a gold standard country .
By ending the gold convertibility of the dollar , the U.S.government brought the gold exchange standard aspect of the Bretton Woods system officially to an end .
In the stage of institution innovation ( from Gold Exchange 126 Standard System to Bretton Woods Agreement ) the institution change is led by the innovative interest group-the American group .
Underlying all systems , however , is the central fact that each must have its supply of gold to support it ( or currency based on gold , as in the Gold Exchange Standard ) .
During the changes of international monetary position and currency hegemony , International Monetary System experienced several alternations as well , which is from International Gold Standard to Gold Exchange Standard and from Bretton Woods System to Jamaican System .