
  1. 货币政策与金融形势指数FCI:基于VAR的实证分析

    Monetary Policy and Financial Conditions Indices : a VAR Analysis

  2. 为了探索资产价格在货币政策中的信息功能,经济学者们构造了金融形势指数FCI以反映未来产出与通货膨胀率的变化。

    In order to explore the information role played by asset prices in monetary policy , economists build Financial situation Indices to reflect the future output and inflation .

  3. 银行监测指标体系由11个基础指数构成,通过扩散指数法合成宏观经济金融形势判断综合指数和银行外汇经营综合指数。

    Banks ' indexes system is constituted by 11 foundation indexes , which assembled to 2 banks ' generalization indexes of macroeconomics and finance judgments and foreign exchange operation through DI index method .