
  • 网络the big Mac index;BigMac index
  1. 巨无霸指数已经诞生25年了。

    THE Big Mac index celebrates its 25th birthday this year .

  2. 巨无霸指数从来都没想成为一个精确的预测工具。

    The Big Mac index was never intended as a precise forecasting tool .

  3. 不是巨无霸指数,而是imf所惯用的深奥算法。

    It relies not on Big Macs , but on the less digestible methods favoured by the IMF .

  4. 这一法令通过什么方法计算货币失调程度呢?不是巨无霸指数,而是imf所惯用的深奥算法。

    How does the bill propose to calculate this misalignment ? It relies not on Big Macs , but on the less digestible methods favoured by the IMF .

  5. 也许巨无霸指数本身也被低估了。

    The Big Mac index may itself be undervalued .

  6. 巨无霸指数还显示欧元被高估了29%。

    The index also suggests that the euro is overvalued by about 29 % .

  7. 根据我们轻便的汇率向导工具–巨无霸指数来看,事情并不是这样的。

    Not according to the Big Mac Index , our lighthearted guide to exchange rates .

  8. 巨无霸指数暗示了美元对欧元已经不再被高估了。

    The Big Mac index suggests that the dollar is no longer overvalued against the euro .

  9. 巨无霸指数显示,东京职员的薪水是世界上最高的。

    Big Mac Index shows that workers in Tokyo are earning the highest salary in the world .

  10. 在调整了这一项之后,她发现巨无霸指数能够更好的记录汇率。

    After adjusting for this , she finds that the Big Mac index performs better in tracking exchange rates .

  11. 根据巨无霸指数理论,货币的价格应该反映其可以购买的商品和服务的数量。

    This says that a currency 's price should reflect the amount of goods and services it can buy .

  12. 换句话说,原始的巨无霸指数显示人民币较美元被低估了44%。

    In other words , the raw Big Mac index suggests that the yuan is undervalued by 44 % against the dollar .

  13. 《经济学人》自1986年以来就开始用这种随处可见的三明治来提供一项巨无霸指数,这也是一种轻松愉快的货币估值方式。

    Since 1986 the economisthas used the ubiquitous sandwich in serving up the Big Mac index , a lighthearted look at currency valuations .

  14. 巨无霸指数是让任何国家一个巨无霸的成本都与美国的相同的汇率。

    The Big Mac PPP is the exchange rate that would leave a burger in any country costing the same as in America .

  15. 打个比方,巨无霸指数表明,大多数新兴市场国家的货币的汇率很大程度上被低估,(巴西和阿根廷是特例)。

    The Big Mac index suggests that most emerging-market currencies are significantly undervalued , for instance ( Brazil and Argentina are the big exceptions ) .

  16. 比原料价值高出了100%(见下图)。欧元较美元被高估了36%,由此可见我们的巨无霸指数也揭示出一些欧元区国家缺乏竞争力的现状。

    The euro is36 % overvalued against the dollar , and our beefed-up index also throws useful light on the uncompetitiveness of some economies within the euro area .

  17. 欧元较美元被高估了36%,由此可见我们的巨无霸指数也揭示出一些欧元区国家缺乏竞争力的现状。

    The euro is 36 % overvalued against the dollar , and our beefed-up index also throws useful light on the uncompetitiveness of some economies within the euro area .

  18. 巨无霸指数是建立在购买力平价理论的基础上。购买力平价理论认为,汇率应该使得一揽子商品的价格在各个国家都相同。

    The Big Mac Index is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity ( PPP ), which says that exchange rates should move to make the price of a basket of goods the same in each country .

  19. 比较成员国国家的汉堡价格,调整之后的巨无霸指数显示与德国相比,意大利,西班牙,希腊和葡萄牙的汇率都被高估了。

    Comparing burger prices in member countries , the adjusted Big Mac index shows that the " exchange rates " of Italy , Spain , Greece and Portugal are all significantly overvalued relative to that of Germany .

  20. 几个星期以前,几位力挺《经济学人》“巨无霸”指数的热心读者应本杂志社的邀请,前来协助我们发明其它“新奇的”经济指标。

    FEW weeks ago The Economist invited readers who enjoy our Big Mac index to help invent other quirky economic indicators .

  21. 去年四月份《经济学人》杂志的巨无霸汉堡指数曾显示了强烈的沽出美元的信号:美元比该指数历史上的任何时期都要高估了。

    Last April The Economist 's Big Mac index flashed a strong sell sign for the dollar : it was more overvalued than at any time in the index 's history .

  22. 这将使一只巨无霸汉堡的价格远远高于在瑞士的5.75美元根据巨无霸指数,瑞士的麦当劳售价位居全球之首。

    That would have pushed the price of a Big Mac burger well above the $ 5.75 it costs to buy one in Switzerland , home to the world 's most expensive McDonald 's , according to the Big Mac index .