
  • 网络Huge;Large Rectangle Ad
  1. 地铁中到处都是大眼超模的海报。在上海高消费阶层居住区浦东区,服装店Zara和H&M的巨型广告牌耸立在街道两旁。

    Rail passengers are surrounded by posters of wide-eyed supermodels , and larger-than-life billboards for the Zara and H & M clothing stores line the streets of Shanghai ` s upscale Pudong district .

  2. 为了演示治理污染的效果,瑞安于5月14日在谢菲尔德大学一栋建筑物的外墙上安置了一块高20米宽10米的巨型广告牌。

    To demonstrate the effect , Ryan attached a poster 20 meters tall and 10 meters wide to the side of a building in Sheffield on May 14th .

  3. 在洛杉矶的一幅巨型广告牌上,这位40岁的演员站在米歇尔罗德里格兹与范迪塞尔中间,和其他六位主演一起凝视着远方。

    On a massive billboard in Los Angeles , the 40-year-old actor stands among the seven key cast members staring into the distance , flanked by Michelle Rodriguez and Vin Diesel .

  4. 就良友富临大酒店楼顶巨型广告支架的设计,介绍了高层建筑物上广告架的结构设计方法,并对结构和材料选择,型钢截面的选择等方面进行了分析。

    Upon the design of advertising framework on the top of " LINGYOUFULIN " hotel , this paper introduced the structural design method and analyzed the choice of structure type and material and the choice of section steel .

  5. 这段路程只有五分钟的时间,我们要穿越恶臭的小溪,经过一个巨型广告牌,广告牌上是胡马雍医生植发中心的广告。当一位秃头男老师突然长出头发时,我们都说他肯定去过了那家植发中心。

    It was a journey of just five minutes along the stinky stream , past the giant billboard for Dr Humayun 's Hair Transplant Institute where we joked that one of our bald male teachers must have gone when he suddenly started to sprout hair .

  6. 巨型猫咪广告将于7月12日正式盛大亮相,目前播出的是一些测试视频。

    The big and official debut of the giant cat ad will be on the 12th of July , as the current broadcast is just a series of tests .

  7. 在家里,我们会通过报刊、电视、网络等媒介接触各类图片和视频,在户外,我们会看到一幅幅巨型的广告画和LED屏幕悬挂在街道两旁和商业中心里。

    At home , we can get all kinds of pictures and videos through newspapers , television , Internet and other media . in the outdoors , we can see the huge LED screen and paintings hanging in the streets or commercial centers .