
  1. 在金融谈判期间,作为独立代理为客户操作并进行借贷。

    Operates as an independent agent in the course of financial negotiations and arranges loans of money on behalf of clients .

  2. 开放我国银行业市场,作为WTO中金融服务贸易谈判的一个主题。

    Being open our banking market is a subject of finance service in WTO negotiation .

  3. 金融服务业谈判于一九九七年十二月十三日结束,有关协议亦于一九九九年三月一日生效。

    The commitments made pursuant to the financial services negotiations concluded on December 13 , 1997 , came into effect on March 1 .

  4. 在互惠问题上,尽管美国的立法没有采纳互惠的国民待遇标准,但在实践中,对等互惠已成为美国政府拓展海外金融市场的谈判筹码。

    Although American legislation did not adopt the standard of reciprocal national treatment , reciprocal and mutual treatment has been bargaining weapon for American government to open overseas financial markets . making diplomatic jetton ;

  5. 它们所认为的在联合国哥本哈根气候变化谈判中与美国对抗取胜,仍然令它们感到兴奋,但它们也希望在气候、贸易以及世界金融架构多边谈判中,更紧密地协调双方的利益。

    Still flushed by what they consider a triumphant confrontation with the US at the United Nations talks on climate change in Copenhagen , they are also hoping to align their interests more closely in multilateral discussions over climate , trade and the world 's financial architecture .

  6. 斯特劳斯-卡恩被称赞为处理欧洲和国际金融危机的熟练谈判家。

    He was praised as a skillful negotiator in dealing with Europe and the global financial crisis .