
  • 网络collective bargaining
  1. 这两项法案禁止工会收取非工会成员会费,避免非工会成员从劳资谈判中获得利益。

    The bills prohibit unions from demanding dues from non-union members who benefit from collective bargaining .

  2. NBA球星代表和球员工会成员已经开了一次会议,讨论新的劳资谈判协议。

    Representatives from the NBA and the players ' association have completed a meeting to discuss a new collective bargaining agreement .

  3. 他的话导致了劳资谈判的破裂。

    His remarks led to the breakdown of talks between the staff and the management .

  4. 出售克莱斯勒可能会激活UAW在克莱斯勒持有的权证,这是工会去年在全国劳资谈判中获得的砝码。

    The sale of Chrysler would trigger warrants the UAW has in the auto maker , a stake the union negotiated in last year 's national labor talks .

  5. 从劳资谈判类制衡和公司制度类制衡的关系来看,两者存在着基础与补充的依存关系。

    The relationship between negotiating mechanism and corporation system mechanism is basis and replenishment . 2 .

  6. 雇主们说,这部法律令劳资谈判的主动权转到了员工手里,并增强了员工的维权意识。

    Employers say the law has shifted bargaining power in favor of employees and raised awareness of rights among workers .

  7. 通过统计分析,我们发现合格的会计信息对劳资谈判的持续时间有着深刻的影响。

    Through statistical analysis , we have found that qualified accounting information has significant influence on the duration of labor negotiation .

  8. 质量问题不能与其他劳资谈判混为一谈,也不能由于劳资双方通常的敌对关系而受到影响。

    Quality cannot get mixed up with other bargaining and be compromised by the usual adversarial relationship between workers and management .

  9. 与此同时,通过安排劳资谈判来实现“社会和谐”的另一项措施也可能提高员工的薪酬。

    Meantime , another bid to promote " social harmony " by facilitating collective bargaining is also likely to escalate employee remuneration .

  10. 更为糟糕的是,参议院法案会削弱我拥有的在国家安全受到危害时禁止集体劳资谈判的权力。

    Even worse , the Senate bill would weaken my existing authority to prohibit collective bargaining when national security is at stake .

  11. 以劳资谈判问题为例进行了模拟谈判,模拟结果表明本文提出的方法是有效的。

    A simulated labor and capital negotiation is also performed , and the simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of te pr oposed method .

  12. 我还选修了组织行为学,学这门课时我们要做的最重要的事情之一是角色扮演劳资谈判。

    I took a course in organizational behavior and one of the important things that we have to do was role play a labor negotiation .

  13. 在日本,制造业企业一般会率先公布劳资谈判结果,为国内其他行业定下基调。

    In Japan , manufacturers typically announce the results of their labor talks first , often setting the tone for the rest of the country .

  14. 社会责任运动在中国的发展和劳动力地位的提升在一定程度上改变了劳资谈判的形势。

    The development of social responsibility movement in China and the promotion of the position of labor in a certain extent have changed labor negotiation situation .

  15. 政府即将完成一项高管薪酬评估报告,在明年春季的劳资谈判到来之前恐怕会宣布一些事情。

    The government is concluding a review of executive pay and will want to have something to say by the time of the pay round next spring .

  16. 他说,劳资谈判曾经就像这样:工会领袖和雇主终于在凌晨达成协议,而罢工的工人们敲打着工厂的大门,叮当作响。

    Labour negotiations , he says , used to be like this , with union leaders and employers striking deals in the early morning while striking workers rattled the plant gates .

  17. 劳资谈判类制衡机制间的关系为:收益制衡机制是目的,人力制衡机制是途径,而权力制衡机制是手段;

    As for the relation among the former , the restrict-balance mechanism of gains is a purpose , the restrict-balance mechanism of manpower is a way and that of power is means ;

  18. 沃尔玛公司和家得宝公司担心供应链可能因劳资谈判破裂而中断,如果谈判破裂那西海岸的港口将被关闭。

    Companies from Walmart to Home Depot are worried about potential disruptions in the supply chain if ongoing labour talks should break down which could lead to a shutdown on west coast ports .

  19. 周日增加演出必须获得歌剧院工作人员和强大的工会的同意。在去年的劳资谈判中,他们和盖尔布的关系变得非常紧张。此外,工作人员的在演出季的日程已经非常艰苦。

    Adding Sunday performances would require the agreement of the Met 's work force and its powerful unions , whose relationships with Mr. Gelb were badly strained during last year 's labor talks , and whose members already work punishing schedules during the opera season .

  20. 反映球队利润的运营收入并没有大幅增长,原因在于球队支出增加或是球队老板将利润转移到其他地方以便在劳资谈判中掌握主动或争取更多的公众资助。

    The operating incomes , which reflect the profits of the team , has no significant increase because of increased expenditure , or the owner will be profit-shifting to other places , so take the initiative in labor negotiations or to gain more public support . 4 .

  21. 经过几年严重的财务危机后,大都会歌剧院近期节省开支的举措初见成效。去年,经过一系列痛苦的劳资谈判,艺术家和工作人员几十年来首次同意降低工资。

    After several years of serious fiscal challenges , the Met 's recent cost-cutting - including from its artists and its workers , who agreed to their first pay cuts in decades last year after a series of bitter labor negotiations - is beginning to bear fruit .

  22. 在劳资集体谈判制度下,工人作为一个团体同公司经理进行谈判。

    In a system of collective bargaining , the workers as a group negotiate with the managers of the company .

  23. 安东尼还表示他现在非常关心新的劳资协议谈判,称这是他考虑自己的未来时考虑的非常重要的一件事。

    Anthony also said he is very concerned about negotiating a new collective bargaining agreement , saying it is considering his future when he considered a very important thing .

  24. 在薪酬体系方面,对兼并企业的研发人员,多参照原所在企业的薪酬标准;对外聘专家,通过劳资双方谈判的方式确定。

    On the compensation system of merger , the R & D personnel , many refer to the original place enterprise salary standard , foreign experts , through collective bargaining way of determining .

  25. 但作为GDP组成部分的企业利润会随着时间变化而波动这取决于劳资之间的谈判力。

    But corporate profits as a proportion of GDP fluctuate over time , depending on the bargaining power of capital versus labour .

  26. 分析师预计,中国工人工资的增幅会进一步加大,劳资双方的谈判也会增加。

    Analysts forecast wages will rise more sharply and collective bargaining will increase .

  27. 这其中多数国家的工会强劲,并且会安排劳资双方集体谈判,也就是说政府不必就此问题介入。

    Many of them have strong labor unions and established arrangements for collective bargaining , which means governments don 't have to step in .

  28. 政府应完善法律体现建设,加强监督,为劳资双方沟通谈判解决矛盾创造良好的外部环境。

    The government should improve the building of legal system , strengthen supervision and create a favorable external environment for better communication and negotiation of both sides and solving conflicts .

  29. 他还承诺将面向所有行业的最低工资从每月586欧元提高至751欧元、恢复劳资双方集体谈判协议、禁止大规模裁员并创造30万个就业岗位。

    He has promised to raise the minimum wage to 751 euros a month from 586 euros a month for all workers ; restore collective bargaining agreements ; prohibit mass layoffs ; and create 300,000 jobs .