
láo dònɡ jī jí xìnɡ
  • Labor enthusiasm;initiative in labor
  1. 提高职工劳动积极性探析

    How to Increase the Staff 's Enthusiasm for Work

  2. 既能保障公民基本生活需要,又能激励公民的劳动积极性;

    It should meet people 's basic needs and impel their working enthusiasm ;

  3. 这种分配制度严重影响企业职工劳动积极性和企业发展。

    The system has affected worker 's enthusiasm of labour and economic development of enterprise .

  4. 从公平理论看国有企业职工劳动积极性的发挥

    Discussion about Exertion of Employee 's Positivity in State-owned Business Enterprise from the Equity Theory

  5. 在无产阶级政权下面,工人的政治觉悟和劳动积极性一直很高。

    Under the regime of the proletariat , our workers have unfailingly displayed high political consciousness and enthusiasm for labour .

  6. 这种在个人收入分配问题上的矛盾状态,致使在社会经济运行中,劳动者的劳动积极性受到挫伤。

    This kind of contradictory state of the individual s income distribution problem deflated the zeal of laborers in social economic operations .

  7. 这种不合理差距的存在,一方面会影响职工劳动积极性;

    The existence of such unrational gap , on one hand it will influence the positivity of labour of workers and staff members ;

  8. 股份合作制作为我国一项企业制度创新,有利于提高工人的劳动积极性和企业的生产效率。

    As a corporation institutional innovation , the stock-cooperation system is beneficial to improve the productivity of corporation and to make the workers work hard .

  9. 收入分配制度的改革、激励机制的设计,其核心问题就是要考虑人力资本要素参与企业分配,激励人力资本所有者的劳动积极性。

    The reform of the system of income distribution and the devising the system of encourage , its key problem is buman capital participation in distribution and how to encourage their work vigor .

  10. 奖励生产,开展劳模运动提高了劳动积极性,对发展生产、政权建设和改革风俗诸方面都产生深刻影响。

    Production incentives to carry out model of the labor movement to raise enthusiasm for the development of production , political power and the various aspects of the reform of the customs have a profound impact .

  11. 本文认为,要提高职工的劳动积极性,就应该提高他们的主人翁地位,坚持按劳分配原则,创造各种条件充分发挥广大职工的聪明才智。

    To increase the staff 's enthusiasm for work , we should improve their master 's position , stick to prin-ciples of distribution according to work , and create the various conditions to stimulate their wisdom fully .

  12. 社会主义公有制的制度优势与市场经济资源配置的高效活力相互配合,最大限度地提高了社会主义建设者的劳动积极性、创造性,社会主义制度的优越性也得到了释放,社会主义生产力发展迅速。

    The system advantage of socialistic public ownership and the high efficiency of resource allocation of market economy together greatly boosted the working enthusiasm and creativity of socialistic workers . The superiority of the socialistic system has been actualized and the socialistic productivity increased rapidly .

  13. 而市场竞争归根结底是人才的竞争,只有尽快的在企业中建立起合理的薪酬体系,才能充分调动邮政职工的劳动积极性,推动企业快速稳健发展。

    The market competition is talent competition in the final analysis . None but establish reasonable remuneration system in company as soon as possible can adequately inspire the labor enthusiasm of postal employee and promote the development of the company in a rapid and steady way .

  14. 摘要构建社会主义和谐社会就是要协调好各方面的利益关系,化解各种利益矛盾,维护社会稳定,调动广大人民群众的劳动积极性和创造性,全面推进中国特色社会主义建设。

    Construction of socialism harmonious society is to harmonize benefits of each aspect , dissolve all kinds of benefits antinomy , support the social stability , and stimulate people 's labor enthusiasm and creativity , so as to completely push forward construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  15. 这不仅会严重挫伤居民参与改革和生产劳动的积极性,也不利于社会稳定与和谐,更不利于经济和社会的可持续发展。

    These will not only seriously hurt the residents to participate in productive labor reform , but also is not conducive to social stability and harmony , what worsen is the social development .

  16. 居民收入差距持续扩大,不但会影响到人们生产劳动的积极性,导致整个社会经济效率的下降,还会激化社会成员间的矛盾,影响到社会的和谐安定。

    Not only affect the enthusiasm of people productive labor . cause the whole social economic efficiency drops , so also sharpen the contradiction between members of society , affect social harmony and stability .

  17. 本文以中国农业现行的生产经营责任制为对象,通过对各种集体农业理论的比较研究,阐明了集体农业制度下劳动监督的可能性和劳动积极性的重要。

    Focusing their attention on the production-management responsibility system in China 's rural economy , the co-authors of this article make comparisons among different theories on collective farming before reviewing the possibility of exercising labor control in collective farming and the importance of encouraging the farmer 's initiative .

  18. 学术人员学术力量生长的四个要素分别是学术劳动的安宁性、学术劳动的积极性、学术思维的活跃性、学术劳动中的坚韧性。

    The four factors of the learning strength growth are the tranguility , positiveness , tenacity of the learning labour and the activity of the learning thought .

  19. 此外,通过经常开展劳动竞赛、打擂比武等活动维持民工的劳动积极性。

    In addition , through regular labor competition , Da Lei contest and other activities to maintain the enthusiasm of migrant labor .

  20. 集体劳动争议数量增长迅速;生产经营责任制与劳动积极性&集体农业理论与中国农业制度改革

    The rapid increasing of collective labor-related disputes ; Responsibility System and Farmer 's Initiative