
  • 网络service trade;Dienstleistungen
  1. 劳务贸易和技术贸易仍然处于起步阶段。

    Indirect trade of the goods is still the core of trading , while labor service trade and technological trade are still at the starting stage .

  2. 基金组织还对世界商品和劳务贸易趋势作了新的预测。

    The IMF also made a new forecast for trends in world trade in commodities and labor .

  3. 这些业务包括商品与劳务贸易、支付转移、贷款和投资。

    These transactions include trade in goods and services , transfer payments , loans , and investments .

  4. 目前,黑龙江省与俄罗斯的经贸合作主要体现在劳务、贸易、投资、科技四个方面。

    At present , the economic and trade cooperation between Heilongjiang province and Russia are reflected in four aspects that are labor , trade , investment , science and technology .

  5. 经营项目的差额反映了国与国之间货物、劳务以及单边贸易的净流量。

    The balance on current account reflects the net flow of goods , services , and unilateral transactions among countries .

  6. 对外贸易,即指世界各国或地区进行商品、技术或劳务交换的贸易活动,被经济学家们称为经济增长的引擎。

    Foreign trade , which means countries all over the world exchange products and labors and communicate technique with each other , is called engine of economic growth by economists .

  7. 国内贸易融资,是指金融机构对国内经济活动主体之间因进行货物、劳务交易等贸易行为,与物流流转相匹配,根据交易各方在交易的不同阶段产生的融资需求而提供的融资业务。

    Domestic trade financing means that financial institutions provide financing business to the economic activity entities in china on the bases of different financing needs in different stages of the trade .

  8. 我国劳务输出与出口贸易关系的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Relation Between China 's Labor Exports and Commodity Exports

  9. 旅游、劳务、婚介、贸易与产品代理、工商业等信息。

    We provide information about tour , labor service , marriage match making , trade and product agency , business etc.

  10. 随着经济全球化的程度越来越高,包含跨国提供劳务在内的服务贸易的规模不断扩大,对各国经济的影响不断增强。

    With the increasing degree of economic globalization , the scale of service trade including transnational labor service expands continuously , and has a increasing impact on the economies of many countries .

  11. 鉴于国际工程本身存在一系列的风险,构建战略联盟有利于发挥联盟企业的优势、分担风险,同时通过工程承包带动浙江的劳务、制造、贸易和服务业等行业走向国际市场。

    In view of the high risks of the international engineering , the constructing of the strategic alliance of enterprises favors producing the advantages of member enterprise while sharing the risks , and bringing along the relative industries such as labor service , manufacturing , international trade and service industry .